Steemit Ultimate Challenge 8 Weeks: Week #4 @dobartim

Hi everyone this is my entry to the steemit ulimate challenge, here is the story of mine how steemit change my life. First i am social media addict espicially facebook. I always took a selfie everyday and post it on my fb account, instagram and twitter. Did you know that most of my time wasted by checking all my accounts in these three apps in my phone scrolling, streaming and also staking to someone i'd like to know. I almost forgot to pray before i sleep after sleeping and eating time.


Before there's no facebook, instagram and twitter applications, i always pray before i go to sleep, before im awake and before eating. And when FB, Twitter amd Instagram come's along gosh! my daily routine was changed. Early in the morning i forgot to pray and thank God for the new life but sicuak media affects me to changed instead always phone i hold and checking my account how many friends request, chats and notifications. In eating time before i always pray but now i always take pictures or selfie with my breakfast, lunch, dinners and post im my fb account and start eating. I always pray before i go to bed but now i caught myself sleeping holding with my phone. thats changes me and my daily routine before and that routine owe me nothing but i always spent monety for buy a load or somethimes pay monthly bills in my internet connection.

Then one day my friend introduce me to the steemit and always reminding me to took on it because it is time to change my daily routine not to took always on social media most especially facebook as what she says "you just wasting your time there, go on steemit and you'll find out. So i prefer to took on steemit and gosh! She is right very good idea to here in steemit. here in steemit i'll found out that this is quite really better good than facebook, everytime i post not by tooking a picture but to think more of this story and open the story behind it. I feel a vlogger always share what it on steemit upvote me, I am earing, Yes I am earing i get paid and most of the time there is a lot of challenge here maybe if i get lucky..

"Unable to conceive of a God who does not regard human happiness as the practitioners of I'm OK, you're OK' spirituality cannot accept the central paradox of religious faith: that the secret of happiness lies in renouncing the right to be happy."

Happiness in life is conditional. Its is usually dependent on your circumstances, your environment, your achievements and your pleasure. Like a beautiful sunset that gradually fades into dusk, happiness is usually momentary and fleeting. Has our cultured placed far to much emphasis on happiness as a "right" which we deserve? Have we bought into the mentality that God owes us a chunk of happiness, and if we aren't happy, then it's fault?

The Power of Positive Decisions

"An obstacle is like hurdle in a steeplechase-ride up to it. . . throw your heart over it. . . and the horse will go along, too."

Maintain purity by keeping a tidy house.

This business of maintaining sexual purity demands that there be confession cleansing as you forsake what you know is wrong and hold fast to that which is right. This means renewal on a daily basis. It includes your thought life, your moral life and your business dealings. "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will for give us our sins and purity us from all unrighteousness, says First John 1:9. It still works today.



steady..a girl really beautiful. !!!!