Yesterday 30 minutes running that's it.
Today 30 minutes run
60 pushups
Sun Salutation
Leg lifts stomach crunch
Still can't hold plank long but had fun trying
Did you try one new thing?
Yesterday 30 minutes running that's it.
Today 30 minutes run
60 pushups
Sun Salutation
Leg lifts stomach crunch
Still can't hold plank long but had fun trying
Did you try one new thing?
That's excellent! I'm so proud of you! Keep it up. Consistency is the KEY.
So, I'm working on something creative-ish. But, it's not too far out of my comfort zone. I'm working to create a group for the Fitness Community on Steemit.
But, I need to think further outside my box. I'm going to meditate right now, and then come back to this idea. Maybe we could follow up with each other in DM?
This is OK. Then I can upvote you. Check my next post on creativity.