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RE: Today is Day #365 on Steemit -- What an Awesome Year!

I'm new to Steemit, so it is great to hear that you have had a great 365 days here and are enjoying it as much now as you did at the start!

I agree that it is a great place to meet like minded souls, and wonderful for mothers to earn some extra cash from home! The stress of finding child minders or dropping children to school and dashing back and parking in time is not healthy!!

Your introduction title drew me in 'Mother of 3 writes about ------- Vaccine Dangers & Failures, Unschooling, Parenting, Natural Immunity, Health ------- Exposing Corruption & Lies.' - topics that I'm also very interested in as a mother and energy healer.

I look forward to reading your posts now I've found you! :) Well don on your 1st year!


Thank-you and I'm glad that you found me on here and that you can relate so much to my experience and interests here.
I hope to start writing a bit more regularly again.

I'm pleased that I've found you too! I look forward to reading more of your posts.
I've shared posts on Facebook about Vaccine Dangers, Drug & Chemicals and Exposing Corruption & Lies over the last few years, and I'm pleased to say that the 'stoney silence' of a few years ago is fading and people are liking, commenting and sharing more, so spreading this awareness is making a difference.
I love that like minded people can work together to create a better world!