Stereotype: is define as a fixed or over-generalization of a particular person or thing.
Today I want to share some experience about stereotype with my fellow steemians and I thing over-generalization of a person should be stop, because every person is different and can not be the same.
Scene one:
Once live a guy and the girl the mate in school campus and fell in love with each other, the girl used all her money to help sponsored the guy since the guy was not that financially OK, until the guy finally had a contract after school that changed his life for the best, and it was time for the guy to introduced the girl to his parent, so when the guy father as where the girl was from and she answer the guy facial reaction changed completely becaused where the girl was from the have this bad name that
Wife always poison their husband anytime the have a little fight.
So that was how the relationship ended.
Scene two
An poor boy looking for work finally found a cleaning work at one of the luxurious hotel in town and he work very hard just to impressive his manage, but one day a star celebrity came to the hotel to stay for a week in the hotel and the boy was assign to be on duty that whole week, and on the fourth day a certain amount of money got missed from the celebrity room and all the staff were called out for questioning after asking all the staff some question and all of them told the manage that the didn't found the money, one of the staff raised his hand up and said the should asked the boy again since their group of people are know for have love for money. But at the end the money was found and it was not the poor boy that took it.
So with this two scene I think you all could see the way over-generalization of a person is bad.