
Yes, EOS will make a new version of steem, but it will be looked at differently than steem by regulators depending on where you are.

STEEM will probably never die, but will it GROW?! This is what we are attempting to quantify (the limits to steem growth)

Yeah, you've made a very great point here boss,
Long live Steem.

Yes, this is a very important distinction because however the world government decides to treat Bitcoin, then STEEM will get considered equally, and to those Initial Public Offerings of tokens will be considered different.

And this may be an advantage OR a disadvantage, but we will have to wait for official regulation to know which.

Regulatory consideration and first mover advantage may be our only advantage over EOS.

Dimimp is wise he teaches us very well.
I like him

Thank you for all the lessons @dimimp

I just mentioned this because I am learning from the community based on the response to the cash out offer

✌😎.... I'm proud of him too, @empato365

That's great

this is @dimimp for us,he is clever

You my friend is a wise person

This and many more I never knew till today thanks to steemjet

That's why STEEMJET is a community where we grow together, learning and helping each other understand some basic stuffs in the crypto world