Sir @dimimp their is something bothering me that I need to bring to your attention... Some of the steemjet leaders are making fun of me, laughing at me for painting myself and walking around to campaign for steemjet and steemit. It's very painful and disheartening knowing that this mockery is coming from persons who are suppose to be exemplary to other members of the community. I am now a laughing stock to everyone in the community.
Even if my expectations and intention to take my campaign far and wide failed due to lack of funds, I think I still deserve some respect. If my effort is not appreciated simply because they think they can do better because of the attention given to them, I will kindly appreciate it if they learn to keep the favour to themselves and respect other who are working hard in silence to promote the community. I decided to bring this to your notice because I believe you know how to handle this.
Thank you.
Hey Kofi, I saw your comments and though it's not directed at me, I decided to add a few words to it.
You see in life everyone have a role to play in a bigger scheme of things and we all have to choose how we'll use the skills we are best at in achieving a common goal.
Everyone on the Steemjet community have chosen to promote Steem in their own way based on the skills they have. And the best way to promote Steem is to draw attention to it which you clearly did with your promotion.
But did you think people will not laugh when they see what you did? I'm not sure that's possible. I for one person have a very good sense of humor and I've not stop laughing ever since I first saw your work. I've shown it to all my friends and I keep showing them to my friends whenever I have the chance to. What you did was really funny and if people did laugh I don't see what would have caused the issue.
Now note that I said laugh and not mock. I might not know exactly what happened that is causing this and I am not speaking for the SF team but speaking as a person to you. You did something worth catching attention in a very funny way and expect people to make jokes about it. I'm not sure you are yet on the delegate Whatsapp group you would have heard me talk about being the pilot who flies a jet where people are drawing, dancing, walking around with powder on the chest, singing and a whole lot of other stuffs. As an individual that's how I see things and I have a very high sense of humor because if you don't learn to laugh in life you will grow old sooner.
Now to the complain you've made above, I don't exactly what happened that made you felt depressed but I want to tell you as a man who has gone through a lot and have seen quite a lot in life. Never despise the days of your little beginning. When you start anything in life people will likely laugh, don't chicken out and coward in instead put more effort and prove to them you are on a worthy cause. If anyone laugh at what you did, tell them that we are in a crazy world and crazily we'll achieve our vision of global Steem adoption. So go back and think of how to improve on what you know how to do well and make it into a bigger and better scale. As long as you are bringing attention to Steem/Steemit, you are in the right path. I have this motto for life:
Therefore, aspire higher.
So long Kofi
I have heard you, you have spoken well as a learned man. Am not on the delegate group, please add me to the delegate group. this is my phone number 07035000668.
You've been added.
Thanks...your maturity is worthy of praise. I like the way you humbly conduct yourself here, no doubt we have alot of children in the community who lack respect, but it's pretty good to commend your effort for this community. Keep up the good work.
Now that I've been delegated, what department will I be working with?