As humorous as this might seem, it's a basic summation of the truth. Yet, you can't be yourself if you don't know, understand, and accept yourself first. Understanding yourself and knowing who you are will go a long ways with your relationship with other people. We love, we hate, we forgive, we continue to grow in friendship/relationship with others and then we love and hate over and over again. Our true self is who we really are when we let go of all of the stories, labels, hatreds and judgments that we have placed upon ourselves. It is who we naturally are without the masks and pretentiousness.
When you give too much credence to other people’s opinions you’re basically telling your true self to fuck-off.
You will never get what is truly want/your in life until you learn to shut people's opinion, until you stop giving a crap about what they think and really tuned into your desires, your voice your truth!
If you want to live a well fulfilled life, take responsibility for everything you do, increase your self esteem and selfworth, let go of embarrassment, stop comparison, set your priorities right, set boundaries, always remind you self whose life it is, make decisions, trust your intuition and who you are deep down inside and forget about failures. When you start to see every failure as an opportunity to try again, then you're really heading toward something positive for your life.
“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.” — Marcus Aurelius
The truth is what other people want for you don't matter as what you really want for your self. People will talk to matter what you do it say, how you behave and many other things about you. it’s important to take the high road. It’s important to turn the other cheek and look the other way. Not only for your own sanity, but for the simple fact that you shouldn’t give others the pleasure of insulting you.
You shouldn’t allow their negativity to stir you into a fury. It doesn’t matter what other people think. Not at all. As long as you’re doing the right thing and you’re interested in creating value and contributing to the world, you shouldn’t care what anyone else thinks or says.
Do not willingly give up your personal freedom by simply being a faceless body in the crowd. Be yourself. Stand up for what you believe in, even if it means standing by yourself. Because even if you are standing alone, you 'll know for a fact that it was your choice.
Some facts from the movie "acrimony"
Acrimony is a psychological and intriguing story of a faithful black woman ( played by Taraji P . Henson ) who feels enraged after being “ betrayed” by her husband ( Lyriq Bent ) .
People who don’t understand why Taraji’s character in acrimony was so mad don’t recognize emotional and mental labor. You can give her $10M but can you give her womb back? Her time? Someone else was literally living the dream he sold to her for years. I can see why she flipped. I think the man's fault in the Acrimony movie was refusing to do anything else apart from pursue his dream. You have a family to take care of so you can't sit at home & wait in anticipation for when the dream "hits". You need to be able to do both. It is necessary. I can see some people's comment blaming Taraji: That woman wasted her years on that man, Lost her Virginity, womb, money and all to him and you expect her to move on just like that???. Some others blamed the family and many people blamed the husband.
Drop your suggestions at the comment section
What happens when you see the ones you love loving another.
The only exact thing that happens in a situation like this is overthinking. Whether you beat yourself up for a mistake you made last week, or you fret about how you're going to succeed tomorrow, overthinking everything can be debilitating. Your inability to get out of your head will leave you in a constant state of anguish. It increase you state of mental illness, it interferes with problem solving, it disturbs sleep.
Becoming more aware of your thought
Out of feelings, it has been said, spring actions; actions become habit; and habits crystallize into character. The great functions of the mind should work in harmony, and should be educated to work so.
The thoughts and actions we do habitually through time determines our destiny. If I think negative thoughts and if I am filled with judgments towards myself and others, my actions will follow my thoughts and I will get what I focus on.
W — Watch your Words.
A — Watch your Actions.
T — Watch your Thoughts.
C — Watch your Companions.
H — Watch your Habits.
When your thoughts toward some particular situation are negative, you will definitely get a negative results from them. Say no to negative thinking, wise up and stay positive
Dangers of being desperate
We're living in an age of emptiness, loneliness, fear, and anxiety – all of which create forms of desperation.
Desperation is one of the most dangerous feelings a single person can have.
It's dangerous because anxious, despairing people often do things without thinking about the long-term
consequences. This sense of panic can cause you to make bad decisions. It can trick you into thinking that if don't act now , you'll never have another chance.
In conclusion, it is good to listen to people's advice but that doesn't mean that you accept their advice, think an rethink to know which is right. Be yourself, be proud of who you are, be able to make good decisions on your own, don't try to be someone else because at the process you might loose your self.
“ Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”
– Bernard M. Maruch
Thanks for stopping by see you next time. I remain your cutie cupcake @lollybella
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