Hello sir @dimimp.
I see very high progress in this community. And I see in the steemjet community does not have a photography department yet. I have an idea and the intention to apply for a departmental addition to photography. If sir @dimimp agree. I want to continue to develop this idea with a photographer @azirgraff. @longming and @azirgraff continue to promote Steemit for students and entrepreneurs.
Here are some photos of our meeting in promoting Steemit in aceh indonesia
I hired him! thanks!
I know I'll get hired and steembathed one day... Just one day..
Your dreams can always come true.. Just work hard for it..
Wow!!! @longming and @azirgraff That is going to be pulchritude because #steemjet need photography part to grow our community more, and on the side of our boss @dimimp i pray he sight into it with future spirit to know what action to take on this tremendous apply by photographers appeal!..
yes, @longming sir you have a good idea, i support your idea.
you are welcome
Wow... Amazing
Thanks @logming and to you all
congratulations you are hired!