You said all that it is to it and the re ward for this awesome series is amazing. It’s quite deserved.
So here are my opinions
Block chain certified weed... this is becoming legally accepted and by 2020. AlMost all the states in America would legalize it
“And when the 402 friendly sees this, they come out to get their SMT”
Blockchain certifitied Music
“And when artist and record label sees this , they come out to get their SMTs
Block chain certified schools
“And when proprietors and proprietresses sees this , they come out to get their SMTs”
Blockchain certified cars
“And when the car manufacturers sees this , they come out to get their SMTs”
Block chain certified pets
“And when the pet lovers sees this , they come out to get their smt”
And many more but I guess I should stop here and allow others make their suggestions
Darlington your head deh there
Block chain certified sports
"And when the football teams saw it, they came to get their SMT"
In January, Turkish football side, Harunustaspor used the cryptocurrency to sign a player. This is some next level thing.
Crypto currency is the future if you’d agree with me my friend
Yeah exactly my friend
Blockchain certified travels
Then when the Aero-transport companies sees it, they come to get their SMTs