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RE: Texas Vegan Brisket??? Say it ain't so!

in #steemkitchen6 years ago

hey, have you gone completely vegan or it was an experiment? I know a lot of meat eaters who turned vegan but couldn't go on much longer.
I could picture that scene (thanks to Hollywood movies) people coming on their horses, parking it and having a beer ... would love to experience that myself someday..


howdy back again itravelarts! well no I haven't become Vegan or vegetarian, I just thought the article was interesting. No Mrs. J and I are doing the Keto eating plan which is very heavy in meat! lol.

But it is very healthy and we feel great! you aren't vegetarian right?

that sounds great, I had a mentor here, who posts about his keto diet as well here on steemit..
how have you been doing lately, It feels like I am missing so much not being regular here.