well well..it must be nice to just take off and see the sites whenever you fell like it. The only thing wrong with that picture is that you can't go back home to your castle when you're finished.
Thanks for the information your Highness, I appreciate it.
YOU love driving at night? so YOU do the driving? Most women don't like night driving because they can't see very well at night.
and it's a scientific fact that they can't see as well as men at night. just a little factoid for you.
well drive fast then and have a wonderful time, I hope you will have a little time to stay in contact?
Hahaha, I LOVE your assumptions! And I will not try to explain you how it really was so that you can keep coming back with more of them! :)
Oh, yes, I do! That's one of my greatest hobby! I hated driving in the past but my husband brought me back to it. I got a great car and now I enjoy it. In general I have very good sight and I really enjoy driving during night as it's not that busy and I can drive fast as I said. Of course I do the driving :D
When I'm tired my husband drives but he doesn't like to drive anymore. He was driving for more than 20 years and is fed up with that (driving to the Netherlands 700km there and 700km back in 2 days once a month is no fun, believe me)
I don't know about the facts.. if I wouldn't feel comfortable driving during the night, I wouldn't do it.. safety first! :)
And I think I've been flashed last night!!! But lucky me the fines in Germany are not that high :D
I'll try to stay in contact as much as possible!
howdy back delishtreats! oh how interesting...well what kind of car do you drive? what kind and brand of car?
Also, when you got flashed, do you mean that the police flashed their lights to warn you of your speed?
That is top secret and I can't share this information! But I can tell you that the brand appears in Bond movies :D
I mean that I will get a fine! I don't know how you call it in English :) But there was a camera next to the road and I saw a flash so it means I can expect a 'nice' letter back home :D I was driving 30km/h too fast :D
oh so you DID get caught, I thought it was just a warning. Well at least that's a very efficient way to punish people, over here they still sit at the side of the road with radar guns and then take off after you and pull you over!
That's so primitive compared to the European model.
So yes the fine is what we call it in English. You get a ticket from the officer and then have to pay an outrageous fine! lol.
you're tellin me you drive an Aston Martin sports car?? oh man... you just gained some points on that one! I love sports cars, used to drive an MG and then a...shoot I haven't thought of it for so long that I momentarily forgot but I'll remember shortly, British made though but out of business now.
Well but now I like big, high 4 wheel drive pick up trucks the best, they are much more practical in our current situation but I don't even have one of those at this time.
I think it's going to be around 200 EUR. The fines in Germany are not that high. It happened to me for the first time and I always drive too fast. They can pull you over here as well but it doesn't happen so often.
I drive a Jaguar! 😉 Aston Martin is not that cool 🤣 I'm thinking about getting a Tesla as it's better for the environment...
If I would sit in a pick up truck I wouldn't see the road! I'm 162 cm so that wouldn't be ideal, lol! I was driving a SUV and had to put a pillow on the chair to see something!
I didn't know you liked sport cars! I love them! There is no speed limit in Germany so you can drive really fast! When I was testing my car I was driving 250km/h 🤣 now I drive 180-200km/h on the average...well, when there is not too much traffic of course!
howdy back again delishtreats! oh Jaguar! I love how the British pronounce that name. Used to see them in the shop all the time because they were always broke down! lol.
The mechanic told me they were designed to break down! At least that was his opinion. But that was 30 years ago, I'm sure they're more reliable now.
200 EU my gosh that's nuts. that's $230 in dollars! That's crazy expensive. What a racket. Can you imagine how much money they're raking in? For having a little box set up?
geez! 180-200! wow. you better have a car built for speed then! that's amazing. dang.
So you're about 5 foot tall huh? I see alot of small ladies driving huge pickup trucks, I think it's to compensate..you know..makes them feel a little bigger or something?
My husband has a Jag for 11 years already and there is no issue with it. It has over 300k km and it's in perfect conditions..
Maybe they were exporting cars with defects to the US, lol! You never know!
If you would be driving 30km/h faster in Switzerland you would pay much more :D Believe me Germany is much cheaper!
My car is built for speed and I love it! It's so relaxing to drive fast :)
I never had an urge to compensate anything :D I rather drive a fast car than a big car :D The only issue with my height is when I want to see something and there are tall guys in front of me blocking my view! I can get really furious about that :D