Friend @crypto.piotr
It is often very difficult to explain in writing, but I particularly use a method of comparison.
One of my goals for 2020 is to get more people interested in steem.
Now my field of action is the university where I give classes, so I use examples that these young people can know and understand more easily.
The examples I use are analogies with video games since many video games implicitly have the characteristics of Steem.
In that sense they understand it very easily because they identify the games and it is easier for me to explain the workings and characteristics of Steem.
With respect to Switzerland.
I congratulate you for the great opportunity you have to make Steem known to new investors, but best of all, you will be working with them as Project Director. A question now from Poland should you move to Switzerland?
Greetings friend sent you a very strong fraternal embrace from Venezuela.
Dear @lanzjoseg
Thank you for your kind comment buddy.
It simply means that you're on steem for a long run :) I'm glad to hear that.
Interesting concept. Would you be able to share with me some examples?
I'm not yet completely sure if I will secure that position. Right now things are going right direction, however I'm still afraid that it may take a very long time before regulatory framework will be ready and launching mentioned STO will be possible.
Many things can change in meantime (life is unpredictable). And indeed option of me moving to Switzerland is already on the table.
Cheers, Piotr