So the objection I hear all the time about this idea is author permission, plagiarism, etc etc.
Here's the rundown:
- Anyone can excerpt anyone else's work with proper citation.
- Nobody except the author is reaping any financial reward for the content.
- Nobody is representing that the content is from anyone but the original author.
So yes, this is entirely legal. No, you don't need permission to excerpt. That's what sharing stuff online (links, retweets, reddit posts, etc) are all about. Yes, links back to the original source are included. Yes, the original author will receive all the money escrowed on his or her behalf.
Could an author still be upset? Well, people can be upset about anything. Do I think it would be reasonable for an author to be upset about free promotion and potential additional payment streams? Not really.
The escrow part is really the only sticking point. It takes a trusted account and a way to audit. But I'd say: Alright, lets do this! Leeroy Jenkins!
But yes, the escrow has to be handled responsibly and ethically. For khal running steemleo, I personally don't have any concerns there. Only time will tell though.
And just to clarify, the escrow is off-chain. The on-chain escrow feature couldn't be used because one of the parties doesn't exist yet.No, it's on-chain. An escrow account is created on behalf of the author. When the author shows up to claim, keys are handed over.
Ok, got it. That's solves the audit then. Nice.
You answered all my questions about this.
Thank you