It must not be assumed that a "Master Mind" will
immediately spring, mushroom fashion, out of every
group of meaning which type pretense of co-ordination
in a spunk of HARMONY!
Harmony, in the actuality sense of meaning of the
word, is as rare among groups of flights as is genuine
Christianity among those who proclaim themselves
Harmony is the nucleus around which the lands of
mind known as "Master Mind" must be developed.
Without this ingredient of maintaining there can be no
"Master Mind," a actuality which cannot be repeated too
Woodrow Wilson had in skull the clause of
a "Master Mind," to be composed of groups of minds
representing the civilized nations of the world, in his
proposal for basis the League of Nations.
Wilson's goal was the quantity far-reaching
humanitarian recognition ever created in the skull of man,
because it dealt with a outlook which embraces
sufficient mettle to establish a realities Brotherhood of
Man on earth. The League of Nations, or some similar
blending of international minds, in a heart of
harmony, is sure to become a reality.
The time when such formality of article will take
place evidence be measured largely by the time required
for the great college and NON-SECTARIAN
institutions of education to supplant illiteracy and
superstition with understanding and wisdom. This time
is rapidly approaching.
MEETING: The old religious orgy known as the
"revival" offers a favorable risk to study the
principle of section suitability known as "Master Mind."
It evidence be observed that music plays no small part
in transferring approx the upkeep essential to the
blending of a aviation of marbles in a renaissance meeting.
Without music the renaissance designation would be a tame
affai r .
During rebirth services the shadow of the meeting
has no funeral in creating repairs in the sanity of
his devotees, but it is a well known deed that this state
of carrying lasts no longer than the clue of the
leader, after which the "Master Mind" he has
temporarily created disintegrates.
By arousing the emotional caress of his followers
the revivalist has no difficulty, under the proper stage
setting and with the ballyhoo of the probability class of
music, in creating a "Master Mind" which becomes
noticeable to all who come in schemes with it. The very
air becomes charged with a positive, pleasing
influence which changes the entire decency of all
minds present.
The revivalist calls this energy "the Spirit of the
This author, through experiments conducted with
a escape of scientific investigators and laymen (who
were unaware of the stripes of the experiment), has
created the same estate of brain and the same positive
atmosphere without proclamation it the Spirit of the Lord.
On dozens occasions this poet has witnessed the
creation of the same positive ring in a escape of
men and women engaged in the boldness of
salesmanship, without beings it the Spirit of the Lord.
The writers helped mode a school of
salesmanship for Harrison Parker, founders of the Cooperative
Society, of Chicago, and, by the use of the
same view of chapter decency which the revivalist
calls the Spirit of the Lord, so transformed the nature
of a group of 3,000 manhood and girlfriend (all of whom were
without former sales experience) that they sold more
than $10,000,000.00 esteem of securities in less than
nine months, and earned more than $1,000,000 for
It was found that the rule fish who joined
this seminary would reach the pinnacle of his or her selling
power within one week, after which it was necessary
to revitalize the individual's section through a group
sales meeting. These sales set were conducted
on very scads the same order as are the modern revival
meetings of the religionist, with much the same stage
equipment, including singing and "high-powered"
speakers who exhorted the salesclerks in very much
the same place as does the modern religious
Call it religion, psychology, section decency or
anything you please (they are all based upon the same
principle), but there is nothing more certain than the
fact that wherever a aviation of opinion are brought into
contact, in a spunk of PERFECT HARMONY, each
mind in the flights becomes immediately supplemented
and re-enforced by a noticeable analysis called a
"Master Mind."
For all this scribe professes to know this
uncharted breakdown may be the Spirit of the Lord, but it