3/27/2020 Trading Futures Update - PMs-Mixed, S&P500-Down, Crypto-Up

in #steemleo5 years ago

Unbelievable, we must be living in Ground Hogs day......we see Record Highs a few weeks ago, then the quickest Bear Market in History, down 36%, the the fastest Bull Market, +20% in Three Days..........Bring back the 25K hats, ^ Trillion in new fiat printed created funny money. 3.3 Million people Unemployed, and the DOW goes up 1400 points. BTFD

Precious metals are mixed, gold is down, silver is up. USD approaching 99, down about 3.5 points from the high early this week. Gold ready to break 1700, physical is selling for greater than 1800+. Silver on EBay over $20


S&P spiked 60 points in the last 10 minutes prior to the close, the DOW up 500 points. Fair value at +10.07, a downer to the open.



Crypto did not react much yesterday, we'll see where it goes today. Steem at #60, priced under 18 cents.




Keep stacking. Go get you some.

USA is #1, always #1 in everything.

Thanks for following @RollingThunder