👊Brave Rewards VS Publish0x Token Earnings👊

in #steemleo5 years ago

This is not really a fair comparison because
Brave Rewards is 1 month use and Publish0x Token Earnings is just 1 day use...
(I will probably do another comparison next month)

Brave Rewards(1 Month)

Brave Rewards is pretty inconsistent and random so I am not exactly sure when I get the AD from Brave Rewards.
So the earning is slow and inconsistent.
It could be just me though 😅 and you might earn more BAT than I do.
But the good thing about Brave Rewards is that you can get rewarded on mutiple devices.
If you have desktop, laptop, mobile devices and work computers...or whatever, you just need to install Brave browser and get rewarded from all devices!
In my case, this earning is from my laptop. I have other devices so I will get more BAT.
And the payout is automatic so it's easy and painless.

Publish0x Token Earnings(1 Day)

I think Publish0x did pretty well for 1 day.
And the good thing(bad thing?!) about Publish0x is that you rewarded in different tokens.
This earnings page only shows Bounty0x, Project Hydro, DAI Stablecoin, Basic Attention Token.
But you get rewarded in a variety of different tokens(tradable ETH ERC-20 tokens) and I saw tokens that I haven never seen before...so this will be interesting(potentially bad?!) for withdrawal.
We'll see how it goes...😆

Another thing about Publish0x, I hit the roadblock already.
So I have to wait today...😞



Very good, @puncakbukit upvoted and reblogged to thousand followers.. Thank you to vote us as your witness and curator.

Thank you so much for the upvote and reblog!!!
So awesome 🤩

I prefer publishi0x for it's like steemit but you can't tip yourself.
Another good thing is that your quality post gets pure attention with no specific influence (example is sp) needed.
How about that?

Yes, I agree 100%!!!
Good(Bad) thing about Steemit is that if you are a 🐳, you are good to go.
But if you are not, you are pretty much nothing.
Steemit is pretty hard for "beginners"... at least in my case.Hi @daniella619,

In fact, I was thinking about pros/cons about steemit and publishi0x!
Stay tuned lol🤣

That would be great

PublishOx use for what? How to gett that token?

Look at my initial post from yesterday.

publish0x, You can earn ETH ERC-20 tokens like BAT, DAI, HYDRO, BNTY...etc.
You just Tip the post you like and you get tokens.
And Tipping is free! (It doesn't cost you anything to tip🎉 ) https://steemit.com/publish0x/@tomoyan/publish0x-initial-report-earn-crypto-publish0x

Alright. Later on I will try view thar post. Still can post same thing to publishOx? Like my old post in steemit on there??

I think you can post the same thing over there.
But after you sign up to publish0x,
you need to apply to become an author and they need to approve your content.

It's rewards better if good content? I think need to try explore later on. 😅

I just got approved today and became an author so I am not 100% but you should try it.
I will follow you and tip your content and see how it works 😆

Ayy Tomoyan, liked your post, honestly it's really interesting. I have a question though, how do you view all of your coins like that? I've been trying to export my BAT, but have no idea how to.

You mean your publish0x tokens?
Just go to you Dashboard like this?
u2t7ac.pngHey @bootlegbilly!

Can you view BAT from publish0x?

This BAT on publish0x?
Or Payments page?

I'm kind of confused. Never mind and thank you!

lol 😂 you can message me

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Braveブラウザが、Google Chromeを上回るところはどんなとこでしょうか?

あと、Braveブラウザは広告がブロックされて、個人情報というか利用?使用?情報みたいな追跡させないよう作られているのがいいかと。Do Not Trackみたいなやつですね。

なるほどですね。Googleの色々なサービスが Braveだとパフォーマンスが変わるかについて、分かりますか?




調べたらこういうサイトは他にも沢山あるんですね。ありがとうございます!!! @yasu24さんはほかにも何かやってますか?


そのような背景もあって、今回(esteem)の @tomoyanさん、凄いと思ったんですよね。



