Increase your posting value.
Thanks to steemlike users.
- steemlike is a voting service.
- steemlike voting system has some time delay.
You can show the pending list on a web page. - voted from @steemfunding, @koinbot, @steemlike, @parosai
- When voting is completed, don’t leave a comment.
- Please leave a comment if you have any questions.
History & Status
You can show the pending list and completed list.
Now Steem Like
- Please refer to profile for maximum amount and rates.
- ex.
----> 6 SBD * 220% = $13.2
How to using
- Transfer SBD(or STEEM 0.8 steem or more) to @steemlike and put posting URL in memo.
- post only. not support comment.
- If transfer amount more than maximum SBD.
- If we cant not found the post with the contents of memo.
- If the content of the post is spam, nsfw, unuseful or bad.
- unknown error,..
steemlike funder
- If you want to become a funder, see the link below.
Thanks :)
You guys are great! You have always provided us with marvelous, predictable service. You always show who is in the line ahead of us -- and how long the wait time is. Makes it real easy to keep track of things! Happy New Year to all of you! We'll be back with more business for you after the holiday!
Hi, enchantedspirit.
your comment always so thankful.
We are preparing a new service. I hope to be released soon.
Happy new year!
What kind of new service?
That is steem client service ^^
I have a question about some math.
I sent 13sbd for this post.
And i just got 10.398 SBD1.621 SP for reward.
I do not think I have profit.
Can you do some math for me,if Im wrong.
Hi, coolzero,
I think your math is right.
the request day(1/05) STEEM Price is 6.9 ($29.9)
but the post pay out day(1/07) STEEM Price is 6.5 ($27.58)
so,, the reward has decreased.
and the post rate is 230%
steemlike has a system where the rate decreases when there are many pending lists.
And, If there is no request, the rate goes up.
The day too much rate reduction.
Many opnions make steemlike even more advanced.
We will repay you at a higher rate.
so sorry the rate, and thanks for your comment.
i have sent you sbd but you havent upvoted my post
steemlike service has some time delay..
thanks :) and happy new year!Hi, your request was upvoted from @koinbot.
d6cd7cf905304d72008d8978088ff4378f42f058 ???
that is trx_id. :)
Vote Me Pls....
Memo :
Please I have sent you 0.498SBD before 5 hours ago.
I'm waiting for your upvote.
Thank you so much ♥♥♥♥♥Hello, how are you @steemlike ?
Hi, mustaphaaoufi.
your request was refunded.. because the post wait for reward..
but, you can try other post.
thanks. and happy new year :)
Good job @steemlike! Thanks. :)
Thanks oliverschmid.
happy new year :)
You're welcome. And happy new year :)
where is my vote??
Hi sport-planet,
thanks :) your request was upvoted from @steemfunding, @steemlike.
thanks..!! :)
Hi, I sent 1.004 SBD with this post in the memo ( about 10 hours ago and never got an upvote.
Plz help, thanks!
Hi droopy.
(steemlike don't leave a comment.. )
thanks :) your request was upvoted from @steemfunding. ($2.26)
you have low rate
i am availing service they gave, 300%
any way thanks for info
Please give me 1 upvot
I have sent you sbd but yu havent upvoted
They have upvoted the post (when looking at it) it takes time for them to upvote post and delays are expected.
I got my upvote Thank You
agian I have send you sbd please check
Hi, suzayn17.
you can check the status on our website.
thanks :)
hi, this request was voted so refunded.
thanks :)
9 hours ago Transfer 1.057 STEEM to steemlike
hi this request is now on pending..
so , have to wait a little longer.
sorry for the wating...
I want my money back It was 19 hours
your request maybe will be upvoted in 3 hour.
do you want refund?
upvote time is up I want my money back
Yes, we can not upvote at least 12 hours.
your money was refunded. sorry for the waiting..
happy new year!
Thank you, happy new year
Hi,i transfered 34.270sbd to steemlike.accidentally.
Plz refund.
Thank you for quick response!
that time I could see your writing.
Thanks :)
no support from you its almost 3 days @steemlike
Hi alirajput.
(steemlike don't leave a comment)
thanks :) the request was upvoted from @steemfudning.
If I give you 1 sbd then how much do you have me and After the bellHey @steemlike
Now steemlike rate is 250%.
so 1sbd * 2.5 = $2.5.
thanks :)
i send you 0.5 sbd for you
hi @steemlike link :
Hi fastthinking.
thanks :) your request was upvoted from @steemfunding, @steemlike.
Hi @steemlike i have sent 0.1 SBD before 7 hours ago.but you don't upvote
Hi, steemitgirl11.
sorry for the late voting.. your request was upvoted from @steemfunding.
i have sent you 0.039 sbd but you have not upvoted my post
Hi, steemlike min sbd is 0.1 or more..
so .. your request will be refund.
thanks : )
If two hours left not upvote my link just refund my SBD @steemlike hallo....
Hi, dedley.
your request status is pending..
I am afraid your request do not have much time.
If we do not voting, the result will be refund.
sorry for the late voting..
Okey.. Please give me back my sbd.. Thanks alot.
Still waiting here. Fot my SBD.. Plis refund that things
Hi dedley,
your SBD was refunded.
sorry for the waiting..
have a nice day.! thanks :)
i have sent you 0.039 sbd but you have not upvoted my post
Hi, steemlike min sbd is 0.1 or more..
so .. your request will be refund.
thanks : )
Hi @steemlike i've sent 0.1 SBD about 6 hours ago but I haven't get the upvote, yet.
Hi, apion45.
(steemlike has sometime delay.. and don't leave a comment)
thanks :) your request was upvoted from @koinbot.
Okay, Thank you :)
Hi @steemlike i've sent 0.1 SBD about 1 hours ago but I haven't get the upvote, yet.
Hi, bhagchandbana.
your request status is pending..
but, I Think your request seems to be able to receive upvote.
sorry for the late voting..
now some many pending list..