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RE: A Chat With A Steem Investor …….. Steemians Speak – Rising Steem Prices....... This Week On Steemit…….. SteemMag – Steemit’s Weekend Digest #28 p.2

in #steemmag8 years ago

Great and informative work as always @infovore. Thanks for sharing insights into a very active week in the world of steemit and crypto in general! While I understand that user interface is still in experimentation mode, I'd love to see a clearer / cleaner introduction to Steemit for new users. Having a visual step-by-step tutorial would help folks feel less intimidated about joining. Right now there's a lot of text which feels a little under-cooked. Still, like your interviewee's I remain an optimist and am excited for 2017. Cheers.


Thanks for dropping by @voronoi. I agree with you, this week has been the craziest one since I joined the crypto world.

Having a visual step-by-step tutorial would help folks feel less intimidated about joining

I think this is included in the 2017 roadmap with a special focus on mobile apps with cool UI features. Hopefully, the plan works out.

Im glad you like the interviews. Is there any feature or steemian you would like to see on SteemMag?