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RE: A Chat With A Steem Investor …….. Steemians Speak – Rising Steem Prices....... This Week On Steemit…….. SteemMag – Steemit’s Weekend Digest #28 p.2

in #steemmag8 years ago (edited)

Nice post. I have a few questions, not that I need an answer but I was wondering

Is it possible to find out what it was that empowered the people's voting power? (for a fact)
Saying that its the flagging is nice, but is it so.

I'm asking this cause I like to know if there's a way, to get the same results (empower people so that their vote is worth something) without the the flagging?

I say this because I really dislike all the flags on the front page,. It's not that it has to be done for me ;) I'm used to them but for new people checking Steemit out.
The flag's, I can imagine, look a bit off ( or how do you say that) The first impression could be that the people on this site are constantly flagging each other. and are not nice people.
To explain it another way (because I don't know the word in English for this phenomena ) Suppose a year from now, those flag's on the trending page are still showing, for us they are normal we don't even see them, and are not aware that it is the thing that is putting of new users.
If I translate it freely out of the dutch language it's called company blindness. An example is; the Easter bunny is still hanging in the shop while it's Christmas, the personal of the shop don't notice it anymore. For the customers it looks sloppy and it might put them off.

edited:added a sentence for clarification