Want to rent: Steem Power (and some post HF19 advice to maximizing curation rewards)

in #steemmarket7 years ago (edited)

As I covered in my recent Curation Report, my strategy has been to curate with no regard for Voting Power. This is the best way to maximize influence and curation rewards. It seems like I'm one of the only ones actually doing this, and this gives me a massive competitive advantage over the rest of Steemit. As a result, my curation rewards have skyrocketed as my competitors go for tiny voting strengths, trying to maintain a high VP. Maybe they are saving it for a massive self-upvote, which would also be a good strategy.

My target was 10% but as it turns out, there's far too much good content from new and undiscovered authors nowadays, so I'm actually going for the 5% range. Yesterday, it dipped below 4%. (Clarification - this is my Voting Power. I vote with a 100% strength)

So, I'm in the market for renting Steem Power. I don't have any whale friends, so I'm not in a position to ask for a donation. Instead, I'm asking you to rent me your Steem Power. If you've been following my curation activities, you'll know this is for a good cause - discovering newcomers who create engaging content. I don't require minnows to follow me or pay me, I just dig for good content by engaged authors. Most of them don't know I exist, so I keep at it behind the scenes. This I believe is the best way to reach towards a meritocracy, though of course in my subjective opinion :) I also follow @alcibiades' votes, who in my opinion is the finest curator on Steemit.

Incidentally, this is also the best strategy for maximizing curation rewards, while many curators seem to pile on the votes for top authors and set up auto voting bots for them. Voting on popular authors is an instant way to kill all of your curation rewards. That also gives me a massive competitive edge.

I'm offering the equivalent of 1,500 Steem for a months's delegation of 100,000 SP. If you're wondering why I'm willing to pay such an absurd rate, it's because of the aforementioned competitive edge in curation rewards I enjoy. My goal is to move the entire community to discover the best way to curate, so eventually more engaged curators compete. But for now, I'm willing to make the most of it and reach out to as many promising newbies as possible.

I'm only renting in 20,000 SP chunks. The more the better. For generous whales out there, I'd also appreciate a donation. In return, I'll promise complete accountability of my votes. Feel free to follow my curation trail as well.

DM me @liberosist on Steemit.chat to discuss. Oh, I see that is down right now so you can also contact me on Discord @liberosist#1871.

PS: Seems to be some confusion, I seemed to have missed out on this detail. This involves delegating Steem Power to an account of my choice. At the end of our contract, you can undelegate. If you don't know how delegation is done, I'll guide you through it.

PPS: Reduced the minimum to 20K SP.

Update: I've updated my budget to 1,500 Steem per month to reflect both the unstable Steem price right and the reward pool balancing out. The first few days of HF19 were a bonanza, but things are starting to settle down.


At the moment I'm not thinking of renting, that may change in the future
However, I just popped in here to say that I would vouch for liberosist's curation and he's charging a fair rate
So if you can spare the SP, it's much better for the entire platform if you rent to him than to people who are just going to vote up themselves/friends/alts who are producing mediocre content

Thanks for the endorsement. Much appreciated :) You do a fine job curating as well, so wouldn't want to take away your SP.

@liberosist thanks for the post and the endorsement of @trafalgar goes a long way. I am a professional content creator together with my partner @adina.rivers.

We just joined and I am trying to learn all I can about the platform. This whole thing of curation and renting steem power sounds interesting. Can you recommend any post that breaks it down for someone new to the game?

Grumble grumble, I'm already renting to you for cheaper then that.
330 / 3 = 110 steem = 220 usd per day.

To be fair, when I paid you, the Steem price was $2.20. So it's pretty much the same rate. :)

Hmm yea, good point, it was a risk on what the price of Steem would do. I'm on discord if you want to chat.

It's a temporarily blip, Poloniex has had Steem disabled for the last 3-4 days. Usually when that happens, it follows with panic dumps. In fact, I'm surprised that the price has held up so well.

Sure, my Discord id is in the post.

Which network on you on? PAL or something else?

I don't even know what that means... Just on Discord. Chatting in the "Direct Messages" section.

Why not buy STEEM for US$7,500 and power down?

$7,500 will get me under 4,000 Steem instead for 100,000. Of course, that's not comparable because I only get it for 1 month, but maybe in 1 months' time there'll be massive growth, whales will start voting, other curators will start curating with higher strengths etc. Right now I know I have a competitive advantage, and I know it won't last very long. So I want to make the most of it. :)

..... In other words LOL

Give Me the Power!!!

best meme I have seeN all week

Hahaha 😂😂😂

@liberosist you are a legend when it comes to curation. Your curation style will lead to the discovery of unpolished gems amongst the users. I sincerely hope that your renting of VP will benefit both yourself and the minnows that you voted.

I am getting what you saying but tbh i am new here and don't understand what that means. I just wanted to say thank you for helping us minnows and keep up with this practice.

Great work.

I'm offering the equivalent of US$250 in Steem for a day's delegation of 100,000 SP

Way out of my league. 😅

I hope someone takes you up on it though.

Same here! You always rent instead of buy what's way out of your league :)

Same here. Unfortunate.

I've already bought* out neoxian :)


Love what you are doing! Keep it up Id donate some but I am doing something similar with minnowsupportproject.

When someone delegates SP to someone else, is there a record of the actual SP owner voting on those posts/comments? Is that easy to dig up? Just curious.

Yes, there's a record of it in the blockchain. On steemd.com there'll be a record of "@account1 delegate xx SP to @account2". But it's not so easy to dig up if the accounts make a lot of votes etc. Someone can easily make an app to show who is delegating to whom.

What, people curate based on their voting power and not just being natural? It's not like I don't believe this happens or doesn't happen or whatever, I am just surprised this is your starting line to your post as though that is what the normal is. Which I did not know and I just thought different. I am reading your post over to try and figure out what information I don't grasp, but it is too much lol

I don't really know if that's the norm Steem-wide, but curators with large SP holdings or delegations are certainly conserving VP.

This is good initiative @liberosist. Hope that someone out there will help you out and lend them their steempower to you, so you can help a lot of authors.

Upvoted you because of your Profile Pic, plus you really do make a valid point :)

Are you familiar with my profile pic :)

Yes, since childhood. God Bless :)

Oh, youre one with EVM :) Youre from where?

I'm a homegrown manila boy but live here now in NZ

So thats the reason with your name frost :) I know somebody in NZ who is closed to me. I just dont know what locale they. There both deacons.

@liberosist, I am a newbie following you from day I came in here, that is 2 weeks back and my page is always full of your resteemed blogs. I do not understand your strategy yet, but you are everywhere. I shall be following you keenly to understand your strategy and perhaps put it to work sometime in future. There is lot of learning here. And you are one of my mentor here. Thanks.

If you follow me, you'll see a lot of resteems. You have been warned. :)

I'm not a mentor, more of a curator really. There are some great mentors on here like @kevinwong and @donkeypong.

@liberosist, I am good with your resteems. As you curate, I get to just sit back and read the best blogs in this platform. I am thankful that I don't have to dig in all the blogs here to find good content when all I do is look up your resteemed blogs. Easy isn't it. You curate, I get good blogs, that churns my grey cells, I come up with newer, brighter ideas to write some exiting blogs and that's it. But more important is with your resteems I come to know what's happening in steem world. That's enough and good mentoring to me.

And by the way, if you see my page, I never resteem. That clutters my page and hides my blogs. I have just got started here. So it is important for me to put good content here. May be once I get good traction I will start with resteeming. I am very selfish now. Don't want anyone to steal my thunder from my page. Not yet. God bless

Yes, that's the issue with resteems - your posts get hidden. I used to get a lot of later votes before, but now I get none. So I'm losing out a lot on my own posts, but on the other hand I have the opportunity to offer some exposure to new authors who need it much more than I do. So it's an easy choice in the end :)

See, you taught me something here right now! that's what I call mentoring :)

Interesting approach. Seems to be a noble cause. If only I had the SP to provide.

@liberosist so u vote 100% so i hv posted some new pics and aa story about my wieght loss if u help me wd ur 100% vote it would be very helpfull if u will resteem my any post and yes u can just make a trail of votes in streemian ill follow u there

Here's a tip - don't beg for votes.

Woah m not begging for votes m just asking u to take a look at my blog

if I had it I'd loan it. but I'm too new. but I you sound like you know quite a lot about this place!!! I'm following you to find out how this works out good luck!!!

@liberosist dude i hv joined ur curation trail in streemian now plss take a look in my blog i hv recently posted about changes in my life plsss upvote and resteem

I have seen you discovering new authors and Upvote-resteeming their posts, it's your curation strategy as well as encouragement to the new authors. This is a great job..

Hmmm... that make a lot of sense.

100k chunks, would take me more than a few years to reach that........

good strategy!

I understand what you mean by people releasing genuine underrated content I have seen a few about. As for me I release interesting scientific content and would love for the world to see it. This is why we need people like you.

I got very less idea on curation. I mostly upvote whatever I find helpful and interesting lol. It is said that we should wait for 30 minutes before upvoting new content. However when I see an interesting new content I can't help but upvote it even if it's out for only a few seconds. I really need better discipline to be a successful curator.
Thanks for curating manually and bringing out interesting content for the community

I don't follow this. How does one get a days "delegation" of x amount of SP? I am super confused.

It's like lending SP to someone. You still own the SP, just that whoever you rent to effectively uses it.

Currently you can't do this through Steemit.com, but you can use use cli_wallet or other apps like Steemconnect or Vessel to do it.

I feel like I'm reading advanced particle physics when I dig into this strategy. I'm one of the newbies you refer to, but I like the sound and direction of your thought process. I'd love to learn more and see how to help out.

It would be cool to see who you have read and thought were good. I bet they would really like to hear feedback. I always hope for comments over Upvotes because creating content is hard, especially entering when so many established people are already here. I don't really understand how Curation awards work. I need to find me a FAQ guide

ok, i delegate you 120k sp. you pay me $300 worth of steem per day, right?

You should have messaged him before actually delegating! Please find me on Steemit.chat @liberosist. We shall discuss.

Hi there, I haven't heard back from you. Please find me on Steemit.chat @liberosist.

Dear I can see you voted for witness arhag and cyrano who doesn't have a working witness anymore since a long time.. I am new, dedicated and achieve dreams. Your vote can really really help me. I hope you would consider it.. https://steemit.com/witness-category/@rival/rival-week-2-steem-witness-update-thank-you-daretoask


I found you because I am investing a lot here in the form of technical knowledge, time, creativity and tech hardware as I am now a witness for Steem and I noticed that you are voting for @bitcube - but that bitcube's witness server is offline and of no use to Steem (for quite a long time as far as I can tell).
I would really appreciate if you would support me with a vote to give me a chance to show what I can do for Steem and Steemit. I have a long background in software engineering and also in running social networks.

My witness application post is here.


Bro here is a site which gives u 1% back daily! im not a bot btw, it called usi tech, they developed a code that automatically buys and sells bitcoin stock! isnt it awesome? heres the link https://27503292.usi-tech.info (you cant sign up directly you have to use this link, and im not saying cuz i want it for my profit, its the way the website works! lol rlly not kidding)