Hello, Everyone how are you? I think you're all fine. This is my first post on Hive😍. Today I'm writing some tips and tricks about Splinterland which might be helpful for some new player or who don't understand anything about splinter land. I'm not a professional in this game but I'm trying to share what I learned from this game to help all of you.
Splinterland is a Crypto based trading card game. From where you can earn crypto currency.
∆ Splinters:First of all I'm going to tell how many splinters are there in this game. There are 6 types of splinters in this game. They are:-
- Fire; 2. Water ;3. Earth; 4. Life; 5. Death;6. Dragon
These are like types.So choose them like you want.
Note one thing that you can't see what summoner will enemy choose until you start the match. So use the summomer in which you have great or powerful cards.
∆ Summoner: Now that you have some knowledge about splinters lets move to next steps which is summoner. Now Some of you will say What is summoner? A summomer is a Splinter based card which contains a special ability and like a leader of the team. Wrong choose of summoner will lead you to defeat.
When you choose a summoner you'll see some more cards based on summoner they are called Splinter cards. You need to be careful about choosing summoner cards and Splinter.You'll Know when you enter a match.
∆ Melee Attack : Melee Attack monsters cant attack until it isn't face to face with enemy.
It will only attack in close range .First put melee attack monsters on your deck.
∆ Magic Attack : Magic Attack Monsters can attack from any position.Special thing about it is magic dosen't attack on enemy's sheild/armor .It Directly attacks enemy's Health.You should atleast put 2 magic monsters on your deck. You can put magic monsters after melee monsters . It will increase the chance of winning.
∆ Ranged Attack: Ranged Attack Monsters has the highest opportunity on long range . It can attack from long range . You can buy more powerful ranged attack monsters in market .
Ranged attack monsters target enemy's armor before its health . Put Ranged Attack Monster's after Magic Monsters.
Why do you need to put them like i said?
Because Melee Attack will only attack on close Range.If the enemy has taken melee monsters then you can defeat melee attacks with magic & ranged . But you need speed to attack first. The blue icon in the card that i marked is called speed. If your card has higher speed then it will attack first. So select monsters with higher speed .
∆ Type/Rarity : I have marked it on the photo.That is called Type/Rarity . The rare monster ,The different colour.
∆ Health: Health is very much important. Make sure to choose the cards that have more health.
∆ Level : There is a star icon & there is number after it. That is called Level. You need cards to upgrade the monster you want. The higher level the higher power . Some monster increases attack,Some Life or some of them speed.In this post I have only write the basic knowledge of this game.
In my next post i will tell you about cards you should use or buy & other stuffs about cards.😉
You can play before buying the starter pack.
This is the best opportunity.😅
Play it , You will love it!
I have been playing it for 3-4 months & loved it😍
Link :- https://steemmonsters.com?ref=sakibreza554
#Stay home be safe from COVID19 and enjoy Splinterland.
Thank you.Good luck for you too😊
Nice post!