Is there any way of knowing if alts are connected? The cards should have to be lease from the main account to the alt, right? Perhaps including the rule that it's only allowed to play the main account and no alts is good. That way if an alt finishes top 8, then it's automatically disqualified and the place goes to the one who finished 9th.
Is this a good solution to not having to rise the card limit?
I'm worried about raising the card limit too much and making it a "pay to win" or "only the rich players will have a shot with very expensive cards", which is exactly why the card limit is how it is.
Thanks for the feedback, this is important so I know what/if to tweak something for the next tournaments.
If one is smart, alts are made without delegations. I guess you would have to check manually which accounts are „real“ ones and which are alts.