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RE: Back in my day Steem was a dollar and monsters where 10 cents!!!

in #steemmonsters5 years ago (edited)

Not gonna lie, this game is the most chill and relaxed game (especially for those of us that are notorious potheads), yet the blood pressure can run high at the same time from the hilarious plot twists that occur when your whole row of steroid pumped sneakers miss their attacks against a non-flying, non-dodging reggie tank with 1 hp left. Yeah, that was a mouthful, but of all the card games I've played, this one is probably the most engaging I've played since Gwent, and that game nearly caused me to not finish witcher 3, but splinterlands/Steemmonsters is a whole different beast. Aside from the meta battles where both players end up playing the identical hands, the combinations you can play are deceptively complicated. I've used some pretty weird card combos to win against others who were using bulletproof meta hands, and I know I probably screwed up the next half-dozen rounds for them because now they're calculating for variables they didn't know existed.

Awesome stuff. I don't normally spend this much money on a video game (I think I spent a few hundred on Skyrim Legends back in the day...), but given the way these cards appreciate in value, and how open the platform is to trade/sell/gift cards in any way I see fit, I'm not at all remorseful about the money I'll probably keep spending on Splinterlands.

Great work guys!