
I checked a bit the card value and tried to come up with a more or less even swap:

You give me 5 sea monster cards and 3 javelin throwers

I give you 3 Haunted Spiders, 5 Silvershield Knights and 15 Silvershield Warriors

Would that be ok for you? If yes I send you the cards and you can send me yours afterwards.

Best regards,

Perfect that sounds great! I’ll send you the cards shortly! As soon as we have electricity again! Our country is currently having crazy blackouts so my laptop is dead but I promise as soon as we back online I’ll send it, you have my word and thanks for the swap!

Posted using Partiko iOS

The cards are sent! You can send me yours as soon as electricity is back ;-). Good luck with that...

Best regards,

Hi we back online and I sent you the cards you wanted! Also received too, thanks so much

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hi, that was super fast. I've recieved the cards. Thanks a lot!

We can do that again later on ;-)

Agreed! Let’s recap after every season and see if we have any pairs worth trading

Posted using Partiko iOS

Works for me !