WELLLLL I was making a post about selling Steem Monster packs but..... + 50 pack giveaway sneak peak

in #steemmonsters7 years ago

Hey guys! Below is what I WAS going to post...

Hey guys! Today, I bought another 110 packs and as I was opening them, I realised that I could be selling these, and make a small profit while providing a small discount to you guys!

Well, if you purchase 100 packs, you get 10 packs for free! So, I'm essentially getting a 9% off discount when I purchase in bulk. However, you might not have enough funds to purchase 100 packs at once, so you won't be able to receive this discount. IF YOU CAN BUY 100 PACKS, JUST BUY IT FROM THE WEBSITE!

So, if I sell my packs at around 0.85 steem (at current market prices) each, I'm providing you 4.5% off normal pack pricing while earning around 4.5% per pack profit for myself!

If you're interested, feel free to reply in the comments or message me on discord (cryptoeater#5209) to purchase packs! I request payment first as always. Don't worry, I'm not gonna scam you, my reputation isn't worth a few steem haha

But then this happened...

Full disclosure

I can see exactly what packs I sent you AFTER I send them using this explorer, however I do not sort the packs and cannot control which packs I send you. It's also quite obvious on the explorer if someone is sorting, so if you buy packs from anyone, check their blockchain explorer to make sure they're not cheating you. How can you tell? If you see them sending and receiving back packs and only receiving back bad decks, thus sorting them, they're trying to scam you. If someone is just buying then sending, it should be fine.


I don't want someone coming up to me like I got shit from 50 packs, I want refund!! So I've decided to not sell packs until this is fixed, or just ever at all. Which means I'm stuck with 106 packs hahaha... BUT.....

Side note: I just sent someone 20 packs for a trade, saw they got shit and sent them another 5 packs. Even though I gave them an AMAZING trade, I still felt really bad... this explorer is truly a double edged sword!!

MY 50 PACK GIVEAWAY (soon tm)

Patience!! It'll come! I've written like 90% of it, but I'll give it one more night before I post. Here's a bit of a sneak peak ;)

Also, @trituratusmiedos and @reinaldoverdu don't forget to check your replies!


excellent my friend, surely I will be attentive and pending. I am very grateful for the help you give me and you know that I am with you for friendship, what you do is a great contribution to my life, to my situation, and probably to be able to acquire the things I need to improve my life and the difficult situation I live in Venezuela. On the other hand go luck that you have with these cards hahaha.

I'm glad I've made such a big difference, thank you for your time!!

If I were to give you extra funds, do you think you'll be able to set up some sort of charity/relief program in your local area to help the locals afford food and basics? What is your local area like? I'd be very interested to know!

The pic is taken from internet.Look were i am going to enter the next 20 minutes @cryptoeater, wish me luck please, i am afraid of loss my life or my smartphone. Surely tonigh or tomorrow morning i wil be publishing on my blog the images. Count with that.

Thank you @reinaldoverdu for your efforts, but please be careful! I await your return! What you do helping those around you in need is also very commendable, you're a great person and it's a pleasure making your life just a little easier :)

my friend, just for the advice that I'm safe at home, and all is well, in a few hours I start to edit and put together the post. but query to warn you so you do not worry that I am safe and secure in my house, with very impressive images and videos, in about 24 hours I publish them and I will publish a message here on this comments line in this post. Gve me a little more time while I edit and upload the videos to youtube. I tried my best to speak English in the video, I hope you understand, in all the ways, i write a translation for you, do not worry. Tomorrow (if youtube allows me), the content will be published, I think it is Monday for you, remember that I am on the other side of the world and our schedules are different. It's 7 pm at the moment I'm writing this comment in Venezuela, I suppose it will be close to 7 am on Sunday in Australia, so I hope that by 4 pm on Sunday or Monday in Australia this post is published, sorry if i am delayed you, but it's something that escapes from my hands, if i have a better PC I would do it faster, a hug! Broooofist!

No worries, don't rush, take all the time you need :)
I am happy you're safe and home! Take care and (I assume) good night!
Can't wait to see the video, especially your english ;)
Once again, thank you for your time and efforts in helping me!

I know that you are a married woman, in my country you understand what I am doing with you as a flirt or to fall in love with a lady. however I want you to understand that I consider you my friend, whether you have 100000000 sp or 1 sp, you always will be. I want to tell you that many people are looking for friendships in steemit because of that, I am not like that, in me you have a true friend, and that I will always be there when you need it the most, forgive me for being so emotional, maybe the people of your country are not used to it to that, but where I am from, if so. a big hug, you are a great person and I want you to know that if someday I have to give my life for you I would do it without hesitation, I love you and I respect you.

Yes what you do, help me, my good friend, believe me. I will use those extra funds to help people in need in my area, in my blog it is quite a few publications and what I collect for purchase medicines, clothes, and food for those people. My area is surrounded by an area highly crowded with poor people, housing in poor condition. I live in an urbanization, I am goint to present you in the photos, at this moment I am ready to go out and take the photos, and hopefully a video, but it scares me because there is a lot of crime and I fear that they stole my smartphone that is my ppal work tool to help with my computer and steemit. I will try to take several photos or a video to show it. Surely for tonight or tomorrow will be uploading the publication, count on it! Broooofist!

Ahahah legend!

Hey Gerard ! how you want me to translate an image :( I cry :(

You could just gift me a pack or two. 😓

Wohoooo giveaway!!!

it sure looks an amazing deal dude! :)