haha I was reallllly trying to drive my point home on that one. I figured some people would be like wtf?
What I was saying is It's really easy to miss details, and by creating dozens of errors in that sentence, once a person was able to determine the message, through the imprint created by having to do so much work to read it, I figured it would kinda subconsciously trick people into being more careful with their funds when sending transfers. :D
You know those memes about cult leaders who brainwash people into thinking for themselves? Well, I'm literally the type of person they made those memes about ;)
🙋 Hahaha, that's awesome, hopefully it works! It's also a great way to see if anyone is actually reading your entire post or just skimming over it hell most people only read the head line, then comment, lol!
🙋 I remember when gringalicious would put a secret word at the end of her post and the first person to mention it in a comment would get a 100% upvote! But after a while she seen that people would just find the word at the end and then comment as soon as possible for the upvote, lol! So she stopped doing it.
Anyways lol, I thought it was something like that👍🙋😂
Why am I not surprised! lol!