The following is an EDIT to the original post
The Head of the SPS DAO Foundation Chairman of Splinterlands Votes To Keep Status Quo Despite Massive Community Support
Today the Head of the SPS DAO Foundation Chairman of the Board of Splinterlands @alymadhavji threw his considerable vote to keep the status quo on the current proposal. This was despite the fact that 2/3rds of the community was supporting a player proposal and the founders, @aggroed and @yabapmatt were abstaining to let the community decide.
This "no" vote wouldn't be so bad if Aly was a player and/or in any way was up on the current state of affairs. Or if he communicated and interacted with the community on the topics involved. But he didn't, he just decided he wanted to keep things as they are for whatever reason. In other words, he voted for keeping the Status Quo.
Why Does This Matter To Me?
In Splinterlands the DAO needs a "super majority" of 66% to pass any proposal. I support this process. I feel that it makes the DAO stronger as a result, because the "will" of the collective holders must be considered in an overwhelming way.
I appreciated and respected the votes of all those players that dissented with my way of thinking on this proposal. Everyone has the right to express their opinions, and I thanked many of my friends that even voted against it.
But Aly is different. Aly is different because he should be promoting a process where the "will of the community is listened to". He is the Head of the SPS DAO Foundation Chairman of Splinterlands and he should not be using his vote to change the equation (like the founders, he should refrain and let the community decide) - ESPECIALLY if he has no idea what matters to the community. He is not a player, doesn't follow the endless discussions, nor has he even be involved in one conversation on this issue with anyone to my knowledge. Put simply he is sending a message that his vote will matter, and he will wield it when he damn well pleases.
Instead of setting an example and encouraging the DAO to be a body that truly follows the will of the community, he is leading us down a different path. A much more destructive path of continued "status quo".
Good Luck With Future Votes - Status Quo It Is!
In a 66% super majority voting system, its only possible to get anything passed if the larger staked voters are willing to accept change and compromise. Considering that nearly any vote will have roughly 20% detractors no matter what the subject matter is, it means that to get 66% of the total, then you need to really get over 80% of those non-obstinate voters. That's 4 out of 5 to support anything for those that truly pay attention.
It takes just a day or two in Discord to figure out that getting 4 out of 5 people in Splinterlands to agree to anything is extremely hard. Even if most agree there's a problem, then almost everyone has an opinion on how to solve it. Compounding that, we also have a NMI model - ie. "its not my idea", so I won't vote for "your solution" because "my solution" is better.
The ability to overcome these stalemates is heavily influenced by those at the top, ie leading us by setting good examples. People like @aggroed and @yabapmatt have been stellar examples, and so have many large players with large SPS stakes. They have been willing to listen to the community and sometimes compromising on their own views in order to try something new or slightly different than their own ideas to improve the game. They have in essence been willing to subvert some of their own principled favored positions to further progress and try new things.
But with this vote, the big boss @alymadhavji, is going to destroy a lot of that good will. This particular vote itself was a big deal to many and it had high emotions on both sides of the issue. There are financial implications, and its a discussion that we've had for almost the entire 5 years of the game. Many people have left over the years over the issues discussed, and the sensitivity level of the community is off the charts.
Now Aly waltzes in, and with the push of his massive SPS stake button says "no change". Essentially he does NOT care what 2 out of every 3 players wanted. He want's things to stay the same. No need to explain, engage, or consider what this will do to any of us.
Aly is leading us alright, but he is leading us to simply vote against things instead of engaging and trying to shape community opinion. I personally wish he would step down as Head of the SPS DAO Foundation Chairman because he in no way embodies any of the things Splinterlands has represented to me from the beginning.
Where Will This Lead?
We have many many things that need to be changed in the future. But now they will be much harder than they were yesterday thanks to this one single vote. Some new proposal for changes are coming any day now.
Yabapmatt himself will be putting out proposals for selling Riftwatchers for DEC. Another will be for the capping the amount of PP per plot for land.
I had planned on compromising my "perfect solutions" and voting for what others were proposing to keep changing and adapting our game, but should I? Should any of us compromise any more and "lead" when the Head of the SPS DAO Foundation Chairman of Splinterlands doesn't lead himself?
For those players that wanted DEC to be burned and us getting to peg sooner, do you realize the NMI - not my idea method will be used even more now? I wanted Riftwatchers to be sold in SPS because I value SPS in the DAO, does that mean I should vote against Yabapmatt's idea for selling it in DEC because its different than my thoughts?
Instead of leading others, Aly is encouraging a massive protest vote from many in the 2/3rds of the players that wanted this current proposal to pass. Why after all should they support an idea that they think isn't the most important issue or the way in which they think a problem should be solved? I would be shocked if the Riftwatcher for DEC proposal passes now. I will be shocked if anything passes for a very long time. It would be foolish to think otherwise.
Passion + Intelligence + Stubborness = Long Memory
Our players are smart and stubborn. But they are not fools. They will remember this, and they will talk about this for a long time.
Why? Because they are passionate about this issue. Getting a human vs human game mode has been one of the greatest compromises put forth for a very long time. It was overwhelming supported by 2/3rds of the community and yet the Head of the SPS DAO Foundation Chairman of Splinterlands wanted the Status Quo.
I believe that eventually their vision will be realized. But I have no doubts about how this single vote will impact the community.I will get over this heartbreaking vote and move past this, and I will still support the game and the community I love. I believe in @aggroed and @yabapmatt.
I don't care if you believe me or not, just remember I told you.
Status Quo is the enemy of change, and our Head of the SPS DAO Foundation Chairman just made sure we can all learn this lesson together.
If I were to put my feet into aly's, and if I were chairman of the board, I'd think that (more) battles played in modern (even if they're bot matches) is good for the eco system, because this is good for "daily active users". Will the bots move to wild if it passes?
Hard to say. Would it drop the daily active users?
Hard to say. If I'm Chairman of Splinterlands (which I'm not) - daily active users would certainly be my number one metric, and I'd be voting in favour of whatever achieved that.
Note that daily active users is a very different metric to daily active human users ;)
Finally, a comment to close this position of devil's advocate: You are what you measure.
well, if he goes bluntly by data then he can just do a blunt defi project. but in games he can't go bluntly by data. because there it's a lot about feelings, emotions etc. especially even if he goes bluntly by data, he should be aware that important data is missing. how many people didn't join splinterlands because of bots. how many people left splinterlands because of bots. he can't have that data. because someone who isn't there can't be captured. so he should know that his data is useless if such an important part is missing.......
it's a very easy equation, more people= more value= more bots= more activity ;)
Very true. A lot of data isn't there. You can infer some of these things and make decisions using business intelligence. Everyone is going to do that to a different degree, with different objectives and parameters at their disposal.
Conversely, we can only make choices that we have with the data we have available to us. Some people will pursue additional data, others will act upon the data that they have availably.
I see one response as being emotional, the other as being pragmatic. I'm a data analyst with a history of being a process-enhancer and business analyst in my professional career, so perhaps my brain works differently for these sorts of decisions, I don't know.
I certainly agree that games are different from raw activity, and you can have all the raw activity in the world and it all be meaningless if the game isn't fun and cherished by a passionate audience.
Splinterlands is a really great project because we have individuals from all sides of the fence embedded within the game world.
One side will try to rally the forces of the majority to make a change, another might just buy a larger stake in SPS and power their way through a vote. In a governance system or a DAO, it is still vulnerable to a 51% attack (or in this case, a 67% attack).
There will always be compromise, and that's a good thing. Compromise is how we end up making progress and don't come to a productivity standstill as humans.
Aly's title is Head of the SPS DAO Foundation. I made a mistake in saying he was the Chairman of the Board for Splinterlands.
Thank you for the clarification, I think the points I made still stand, and I think I might change my vote on this proposal due to the remarks made above by @bronko
Thank you for understanding, and I agree on your points still standing. And I hope he addresses it sometime in the next few days.
Aly's title is Head of the SPS DAO Foundation. I made a mistake in saying he was the Chairman of the Board for Splinterlands.
I think that is very plausible. I'm not sure if its a good thing, but it certainly would make sense.
Who the fuck is Aly?
Aly's title is Head of the SPS DAO Foundation. I made a mistake in saying he was the Chairman of the Board for Splinterlands.
Chairman of the Board of Splinterlands. Aggy and Yaba's boss.
I wonder why the creators of that game actually need a boss?
I wasn't there for it, but I assume they needed people to buy large stakes of SPS similar to a fundraise, so with his big bag of SPS (maybe the largest bag holder, I'm not sure) he became the de facto chairman due to his largest stake.
Aly's title is Head of the SPS DAO Foundation. I made a mistake in saying he was the Chairman of the Board for Splinterlands.
yes that's most likely the case. Its actually very normal as the investors need to have a degree of control because they have money at stake.
Aly's title is Head of the SPS DAO Foundation. I made a mistake in saying he was the Chairman of the Board for Splinterlands.
many times it happens when outside investors are brought in. Its part of the demands that the investors seek to protect their investment. That's not unusual, especially with VCs.
That's a game changer. Was not aware that there is another end-boss above aggyaba.
yep, that's why I care so much about 1 vote. To me its a very big deal.
How does that hapoen?!?!They built this game from literally nothing. Did they just let some asshole take over?
I don't know the mechanics of how that happened. But I know that right now I wish it didn't happen in the past.
Always good to see you JD! :)
Aly's title is Head of the SPS DAO Foundation. I made a mistake in saying he was the Chairman of the Board for Splinterlands.
Is it possible to fork SPL?
Why can't i remove my accidental self upvote?🤦😁
I don't know... but I don't think we are at that stage. Just remember we do have a lot of great things they are doing, and everyone makes mistakes. Especially mistakes of bad judgement.
I also don't think we're at that stage yet. It was more just a question of curiosity.
Regardless of what his specific title is, it seems to me that he is pretty much the boss. Anyone who wields this level of control over the games direction, might as well be considered the boss. This is extremely disheartening, and makes me even sadder than the bots in the game. Why even create a voting system if this is how it's going to work? I look at it this way, either Matt and Aggy had nothing to do with him voting, which is one thing. But if they had something to do with him voting that is completely something different. And truthfully that would make me even sadder. But, this is the single biggest heartbreak and let down that the game has ever dealt to me personally. It makes me feel like why the hell would I waste my time voting in the future if one person has the power to squash the will of the people?
I understand where you are coming from. I was pretty disheartened as well. I do think a lot of good will come out of it, but I understand that takes some faith for sure. Overall I think yaba and aggy will succeed here and the community will get what they deserve for standing by them. While it might take some time, just know that there are many of us like you JD, and we will together keep things moving forward even if they sometimes take an extra curve or two.
Well I'm not going anywhere. We got to stick together! I will continue to have faith in matt and aggy, as hard as it may be to do sometimes. 😁
We appreciate your concerns and spoke to users on both sides of the proposal. We have provided an update here:
I have to confess that I don't know nothing about the game. Nonetheless, I feel like if I gotta leave this A/V reflection here. :)
Aly's title is Head of the SPS DAO Foundation. I made a mistake in saying he was the Chairman of the Board for Splinterlands.
Yep, although I understand that he is Splinterlands Senior Advisor as well.
Dave: a rare post from you. Cheers for that!
I have met you, I have shaken your hand, I know you are a solid personality. It is very rare to see you complaining about Splinterlands. So this is significant. I hope the team takes a look at this post. If someone like you who almost always stood firm with the team gets upset, they need to take care of the issue.
Game can’t survive without its community.
Thank you AZ! Back at you on being a solid personality (and person) :D
I do hope we get some attention to this issue. Leaders have to lead... They have to be held to higher standards if they want the community to give them respect.
We do have a great community and I want it to not only survive but prosper. So that's why I felt it was important to make these points. I care!
We need another voting system as this one has failed us. We must continue to push forward, and do not give up! Make ourselves known as your voice counts! #nobotsinmodern
Failed us with the 30M SPS listing deployment too, after the first iteration of 20M SPS was voted down.
Hey @clove71 ... always great to see you! Glad you are for this proposal and I agree we need to push forward and not give up! I hope we can make this voting system work, we definitely have some work to do though!
ps... love the hashtag its awesome! :D
Aly's title is Head of the SPS DAO Foundation. I made a mistake in saying he was the Chairman of the Board for Splinterlands.
Thanks for all your efforts @davemccoy!
I will observe all this carefully and then decide what to do with my assets.
Thank you as always @jaki01 ... I do think we will get past this, but it hard sometimes for sure. I hope you stay, but understand you have a clear head and will make a decision based on what you think is right. Let me know if you ever do take off, I certainly want to pay my proper respects to you.
Dave, you are a genuine, true believer in the community and the game.
It would be interesting to hear/read why he voted now. On some past votes the founders voted, so there shall be no discussions regarding them
I'm here with you on this, because even if I don't agree with you all the time, you acted in a truly gentlemen manner.
Yes, why he voted ... and who he is?
If you want to know more about him, he was actually featured on a Town Hall not too long ago, so that is your best bet.
Aly's title is Head of the SPS DAO Foundation. I made a mistake in saying he was the Chairman of the Board for Splinterlands.
thank you for the kind words... And yes I would love to hear from @alymadhavji myself, I think if he wants to lead us as the Chairman it would be smart to at least try to convince us he had a good reason for ignoring what 2/3rds of the community was voting for.
This is total BS. I voted against the proposal because I felt that it wasn't the best way to get rid of bots -- but the way that this went down is anathema to the entire concept of player ownership. I think that Aggie and Matt need to tell us what they think about this. I think that Aly should communicate with us.
I would like to push a proposal that simply says "Bots shall be banned from the following channels and venues (Ranked, Tournaments and Brawls). New parallel channels and venues shall be created which allow both bots and humans."
It's great you explored the issue @digital-wisdom. It's a bad look overall. If fixing bot issues (or at least making them far less present or worthwhile to use) is impossible, then I don't understand why we can't at least give an honest effort to offset their impact on the game. If in the end there is nothing that can be done those that said "Nothing can be done...." will be proven right and we move on. But I guess I get suspicious when making a legit effort to encourage actual human interaction is shut down. That's it--nothing more. I'm with davemccoy here it's worth a shot to try it at the very worst.
Aly's title is Head of the SPS DAO Foundation. I made a mistake in saying he was the Chairman of the Board for Splinterlands.
EDIT: I now understand and we are in total agreement!
I don't think you read it very well. But its ok @digital-wisdom, your entitled to tell me its total BS even if I didn't even say anything about your vote other than this:
To my knowledge you aren't the Chairman of Splinterlands so none of my disappointment is directed to you. But you will feel the repercussions from his vote (if it stands), we all will!
I was already pissed at the misappropriation of 30M SPS for that bogus exchange listing so this whale @alymadhavji can just unload his bag on the exchange and dump the price, but this is even more frustrating! With a vote that substantial and him holding a seat on the board, at the very least he should have the stones to come out and tell the community why he voted as he did. I do think there are some justified reasons for a no vote, so it would be in the community's best interest to hear from the whale himself why he voted no.
There will be a massive uproar from the vocal majority, albeit an SPS minority as things stand, if this proposal does not pass. This is the litmus test that many feared too - can a few whales band together and pass/veto any proposal that doesn't fit their specific vision of the game?! I am quite worried that this may be the straw that breaks the camel's back for so many more players who have been rallying against automated battle assistants and hand pickers. I've really come to love this game in the 18 months I've been playing it and I would hate to see it undermined by some bag-holding whale that isn't even in it for the strategy, teamwork, and friendships we build along the way.
For full transparency, I have two alt accounts that are almost completely automated outside of the manual brawl and tournament battles that I play, but I still voted FOR this proposal with both my alts and my main account - not a huge sum to him, but a decent chunk of nearly 175K SPS in sum. That's not chump change.
So what say you Mr. @alymadhavji?! Care to answer for your vote? How about a few minutes at the next Town Hall to explain to the community why you voted that way? You owe it to us - the players, the krills, the people who love and care for the strategy and ecosystem it has developed over the years.
Mentioning him here doesn't help apparently that username wasn't registered gives me a 404 error he must use another account, I don't think dave realized that when mentioning him.
yes I used his Discord name because I don't even know if he has a HIVE account.
@davemccoy Ali used the below hive account when he initially proposed the 20MM SPS listing, so @blockchainff might be your best bet
Aly's title is Head of the SPS DAO Foundation. I made a mistake in saying he was the Chairman of the Board for Splinterlands.
Always appreciate your insight and perspective Dave. This is important to call out and I'm glad you brought it to our attention.
Aly's title is Head of the SPS DAO Foundation. I made a mistake in saying he was the Chairman of the Board for Splinterlands.
thank you @aftersound!!!
It is great to see your passion and drive on this matter. Thank you for sticking up for the "Players", If this proposal passes, there will definitely be a change up on the leaderboards. I do wish those that I remember being good at this game, return to playing instead of relying on bots. TeamPH Salutes you @davemccoy!
Thanks Mango and I look forward to seeing many TeamPH members on that leaderboard too! I'm excited! :)
By the way, I am SO incensed by this that I have changed my vote from No to Yes. We have five days to get others to fight for the DAO. This is no longer just about bots -- it is about the DAO itself. A proposal should also be made so that voting is not linear with SPS. Giant holders deserve a bigger vote -- but not that much bigger.
Even if we disagree on many fronts I appreciate that you are willing to stand with the community. At this point it is not about the proposal anymore, it is about someone with no clue or attachment with the community trying to muscle his thoughts with his stake.
Aly's title is Head of the SPS DAO Foundation. I made a mistake in saying he was the Chairman of the Board for Splinterlands.
That is a strange title
haha... I know what you're thinking :D
Aly's title is Head of the SPS DAO Foundation. I made a mistake in saying he was the Chairman of the Board for Splinterlands.
ok I think I now understand your position @digital-wisdom ... I agree its BS. :)
Many community members here are for sure smart. This Aly guy might see it from a different angle or driven by other leaders on top of SPL thougz,sure there are valid reasons, not everyone is forced to be a player / user to express thoughts.
Even I am not convinced by this proposal at all I voted for it to see and test - however I will also not judge the decision by the guys on top. If SPS votes are key so this may be it, I never was positive about this proposal system based on sps, the only token within SPL with no use case at all.
Thanks for the always thoughtful comments @uwelang ... And yes Aly might see it from a different angle and hopefully he will come out and tell us.
And I 100% think that everyone doesn't have to be a player to express their thoughts or vote how they want.
My points are specific to simply the leadership of an organization. If you are in a leadership position, then if you want to have people follow you then you must realize that you have higher standards.
Aly's title is Head of the SPS DAO Foundation. I made a mistake in saying he was the Chairman of the Board for Splinterlands.
I use XBOT but it's still a YES vote for me.
Aly's title is Head of the SPS DAO Foundation. I made a mistake in saying he was the Chairman of the Board for Splinterlands.
I'm thinking a proposal to change the name of the SPS DAO Foundation to the "SPS CAO Foundation" would give this "foundation" a more truthful name. ("C" obviously standing for centralized.😂🤣😂🤣
Come on Dave no way 2/3 of people want no bots in ranked play. Change the proposal to no bots or outside help in tournaments and brawls I would be behind you. No bots in ranked doesn't matter the league and you will never find a match, you remember the old days when if it wasn't for a bot you were waiting 10 minutes to find a battle. Good day.
Too bad you aren't seeing the impact across the entire game. It's good though that you did voice your opinion. There have been times that massive amounts of bots had to be reset, and it literally took a few more seconds to load a battle, and payouts were 10-20x higher, plus the wait was not bad at all. If the wait were lengthy due to virtual wiping out of bots, then it's up to us to find real players to pick up rewards from these in game assets that are now incredibly more valued than before. I guess that's a problem I'm willing to explore and is a bandwagon I would blow out an ACL to hop on, but that's just me.
The biggest pro for this anti-bot measure in modern is to benefit the new player experience, and of course new players likely start in modern, not wild. I'm hoping there will be enough players in modern, especially new and curious players to keep those battles flowing.
Actually we came up with a solution in your discord that I really like. Hope you read it.
yes I read it, I like that people are trying to find solutions for sure! Thanks @siutcase :)
Aly's title is Head of the SPS DAO Foundation. I made a mistake in saying he was the Chairman of the Board for Splinterlands.
We disagree on the conclusions and the premises. But I appreciate you taking the time to engage with me @siutcase ... If you want me to explain further, then I will, but I think you would know my thoughts. The only think I have to say that might not be understood, is I'm for a human vs human mode (that's it). That's what I'm voting for.
And I hope you have a good day and good weekend too @siutcase!!!
Thanks for sharing! - @azircon

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Splinterlands drama gettin' juicy.
Can you believe it? The bosses have.. ANOTHER BOSS! Nobody expected it
Master Supreme Boss.
Decentralization is hard. Difficult to navigate. Everyone knows they're in charge somehow, but many fail to realize they're only in charge of themselves, and nothing else. The freedom to take action, responsibly, for yourself, in a way that doesn't screw others over, because there are consequences, including shooting yourself in the foot. Decentralization is a strategy game in itself and having the most clout doesn't necessarily make you the winner. Could also make you the biggest loser. Regardless of how much you have in the wallet, go on a power trip, and it's your own feet you're tripping over.
I'm just an outsider looking in though. It's interesting.
Aly's title is Head of the SPS DAO Foundation. I made a mistake in saying he was the Chairman of the Board for Splinterlands.
Aly's title is Head of the SPS DAO Foundation. I made a mistake in saying he was the Chairman of the Board for Splinterlands.
The way I initially processed the information, the chairman stuff registered in my mind as sensationalism, so I personally did not read in to it too deeply. Others would though, and especially outsiders.
Thanks for clearing that up, though I am now left wondering if that truly is the official title, all while convinced an official title or label does not really matter, since nothing changes if it's applied or removed.
I understand. Thanks for the reply.
I'm curious. Why doesn't that name lead to an account?
Well, last time I checked, in the voting of the top 10 SPS holders, only 2 had voted. The other 8 did not. Can someone tell me whose accounts are in the Top 10? Are they from players or from members of the game team?
List out the SPS holders' hive tags, but I would assume a good number of them are holding accounts for yabap and aggy.
According to Peakmonster

Pretty sure SPS whale and dolphin are aggy. I know vugtis and cryptoeater are both individual players. I assume splinterlands is just a holding account for an SPS liquidity pool, or maybe that's the DAO account and gosplinterland5 is the LP account. Blockchainff, I believe, is one of the accounts of this chairman of the board fellow.
Maybe someone who is a bit more knowledgeable can correct me if I'm wrong.
The question is: if he had voted positively, would there be this post and these comments? 🤔🤔🤔
Why, just as there are people on the team voting negatively, there are several other team members voting positively!
There are other team members that are voting both for and against. However the difference would be if they are in a position of leadership of the organization.
So in my eyes (my opinion), he should've refrained from voting on an issue with the community like Yaba and Aggy did. They showed great leadership skills by giving the community the power to decide. Aly on the other hand did not.
But of course he does have the right to vote however he wants. He may feel the negative message it sends to the community that voted for it is irrelevant to his bigger objective he had for voting for it. Hopefully we find out.
I understand. Surely, he will speak out. I hope he uses his personal profile for that and does not use Yaba or Aggroed to transmit his message. What is left for us is to wait.
I completely agree All leader of Splinterlands and big investors should not get any votes in what players want in this game they make so many decisions that we do not have any say in.
If you keep the many actual players happy then you get a game that grows and others join for the players truthful enthusiasm and respect for management trying to give us what we vote for
I don't really understand how to classify Chairman of Splinterlands. is he the boss of aggy? are they equal or how should I understand his role?
I messaged you above. He's the Head of the SPS DAO Foundation. I made a mistake in saying he was the Chairman of the Board for Splinterlands.
He is not equal to Aggy or Matt, he runs an entirely separate entity from them. In other words, technically they are 2 separate companies with 2 separate leaders.
Let's see. @Yabapmatt managed to get the proposer to include a "poison pill" and it still looked like it would pass. Then suddenly Aly steps in to ensure removing bots won't happen. Personally, I am seriously reconsidering my entire investment as I think that allowing bots is likely to lead to the death of Splinterlands.
EDIT: I now understand and we are in total agreement!
I don't understand your position here with the one below. But bottom line I do understand its a passionate issue that many people feel strongly on both sides.
Aly's title is Head of the SPS DAO Foundation. I made a mistake in saying he was the Chairman of the Board for Splinterlands.
Also if you could please inform the other Community Leaders of this, it would be appreciated. My Discord is locked for some reason, so I can't do it myself right now. Thank you @simsahas
Thanks for giving it a lot of thought and I'm happy you are voting for it. Always nice to see you @hewitt :D
ps I think we can walk and chew gum too :D
Aly's title is Head of the SPS DAO Foundation. I made a mistake in saying he was the Chairman of the Board for Splinterlands.