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RE: Have your own NPC in a super cool RPG game by our very own @clayboyn...Also... I'm Coming Out Of The Closet (There are monsters in there!)

in #steemmonsters6 years ago

Clay told me about @holoz0r's game, I checked it out last night-- the rogue upgoats LOLOL!! But it sounds like he's not doing anything further at the moment with it.

Clay on the other hand is hard at work on this project. His game is fun already and it's still in its infancy, I'm excited to see where he takes it.

No kidding about the addiction, though I'm slightly less crazed now that the alpha packs are sold out...actually the truth is probably because I joined the kickstarter campaign and have 110 alpha packs coming my way, along with 50 bonus beta packs because they broke through another milestone on the fundraising and I got one of the big dog packages. I'm sure once some time passes after I open all of those, I'll be back at it!

If you do end up buying the starter kit (five bucks), I'll send you some alpha cards- the value of which could really rise now that they're no longer being made or sold, so let me know :)


You have just convinced me to buy a starter kit
I'll figure it all out
But this would be a good way for you to introduce me into this game properly
Are you still on or do you use Discord?
I also saw you posting your novella
18 chapters in but I might blaze read through that in a couple of days, I will start sooner or later for sure :)
It will be good to get back into your masterful literature
I have always been pretty good at rpgs and card games
you are about to get me addicted again
Hey my dear friend @dreemit and it is funny I haven't jumped in yet even though @aggroed rewards winners of the open mic contest steemmonster cards

Oh how cool! I use Discord now :) I have a few things to do, but I'll jump on their tonight at some point.

So the novella, as Jed pointed out, is a bit like an alternate universe. It was the original idea for the story, one that was going to be YA, and then obviously changed. But it's fun to see the characters beginnings, I think anyway :) Obviously if you decide to read it you'll blow right through it- since these chapters are about half the size, maybe even less, then the ones from the book.

I haven't forgotten about my project, I'm just doing insane levels of overtime at work at the moment! I'm very near to completing first few major quest story arc. If I was working on mine as much as I've been working my day job, I'd have created a 60 hour epic by now! :D

On the topic of Steem Monsters, there's just so much to see and do in that realm of things. It's getting very exciting, and taking part in battles is ... glorious. You're constantly learning new things!

Oh hey there :) I left a comment on your demo post yesterday. It is a super fun and hilarious idea you've got going. I totally get the 'not enough time in a day' aspect, I'm in the same boat with projects. Glad to hear you're going to continue though- feel free to drop a link to me when you're at it again! :)

Edit: And yes, love all steem monster related stuff right now- waiting on my kickstarter package :)

Will do. I haven't posted an update in quite some time, its given me something to do while I wait for my partner to finish being tortured by the dentist. :)