I have to share this with you guys. This is pretty crazy but I have already completed the whole card collection with Steem Monsters! Next up is to get more gold foils and also start leveling up all of these cards.
Very cool.
So everyday I will be opening a daily booster pack from Steem Monsters to count down the days until we're able to battle in tournaments.
Let's see what I get today:
HOLY SMOKES is that right? Two GOLD FOILS in one booster pack? And of them is RARE GOLD FOIL! This is the best day ever.
Nice pick up! Congratulations!
Thank you cryptkeeper17, I recognize your name from the Monster Market :)
No problem. Of course I recognize yours and I wish the best of luck on building up your collection. You are going about building it up in the most efficient way possible way in my opinion. I also have bought most of mine from the market. I haven't bought many packs, the market has been a great add for steem monsters to support those that wish to buy packs and sell the cards the people wish to unload to buy more. Thanks again!
Nice! Really cool loot...
Thank you, I got lucky.
Wow!! What an amazing pull! I would of loved to see that, so cool!! Congrats! :-)
Thank you Chris, good luck to you and your next booster packs.