You might want to look at your recommended price code. It doesn't seem like it's quite right, and recommends a lower price than might necessarily be wise for many cards. While a highly upgraded card might be sold for a lower price per card...that price should probably not be used for the recommendation of price for all cards. It's probably not wise to go by that number the way it is now. You often still have to keep another tab open on the market to check the prices on the market.
I would probably make the recommendation of price based on the $/BCX of similar levels, or just slightly below the $/BCX of the lowest lvl 1.
The current way might end up driving down the market a bit...but will definately sell the cards quickly likely, as they're probably lower than they need to be offered to sell them that quickly.
Perhaps it would be good to add a list of the cards on the market on the card page, so people know what they're going for, can buy a card if it's low, or know what to list their card for, without taking the very low recommendation.
Additionally, something that might save time and effort would be the ability to type in $/BCX and have it calculate the price. This would save some annoyance of calculating it in your head or opening up a calculator.