I have been involved with a number of start up companies and I can tell you that it is NOT easy to get these off the ground. So much work goes on behind the scenes and the hours put in to make things work are almost unimaginable.
There is copious amounts of trial and error and ideas and concepts always need to worked and reworked a million times. The final product
1.Is never final because everything is always a work in progress, even for Fortune 500 companies that are 100 years old
2.Is never what you thought it would look like in the beginning
This is why I want to take a step back to pay tribute to @yabapmatt and @aggroed for what they have already accomplished with @steemmonsters in just a few short months.
....but first let me remind everyone I am giving away an Alpha Epic Gold Naga Warrior and there is only 1 day left to enter my contest !
Back to the @yabapmatt and @aggroed...
These two have done an outstanding job of balancing and understanding the long term viability of the project with the concerns of early investors and players.
I was so excited about what @steemmonsters could do for the Steem Blockchain and for Steemit that in the early days i wanted to participate in any way I could so I gifted @aggroed this 24 karat gold Mene charm:
And I participated with @reseller in this fun Mene Gold for Steemmonster gold to bring attention to the game:
@aggroed and @yabapmatt have done a great job listening to and filtering through the feedback for the hardcore Steemmonster fans, advocates, and investors.
This has the feel of a true community project and the wisdom of so many experienced Steemians has made almost an antifragile project as we learn more every day.
Many Steemians have contributed to the buzz of the concept and I have even written a few things about the gold cards:
One of the most crucial factors to the long term success of the project is the founders belief and dedication to the effort.
It is clear that these two have alligned their interest with the game in ways that could not be more material. @aggroed has made a significant investment into the most expensive cards in the game buy putting his own capital at risk and buying an impressive collection of gold foil legendary cards.
@yabapmatt has QUIT HIS JOB to work on this full time.
I have tremendous admiration for these two who have as much ‘skin in the game’ as they possibly could, willing to put their own financially stability and that of their families at stake while they make this work.
It reminds me of myself and my belief in the companies that I work for, Goldmoney and Mene. I also quit my regular job to work on these start ups, risking everything for a dream. I, like yaba and aggy, have more at stake than any causal client or customer, so that means that we all truly believe in what we are doing.
Sometimes I do have to bite my tongue a bit when I watch the enthusiastic people in the comment section and on discord jump on every decision regarding the game without asking themselves if the founders have probably already thought these issues through.
Mistakes will be made, that I can say with 100% certainty. So far yaba and aggroed have shown extreme patience and willingness to accept feedback from the community.
One thing we can be sure of is that they are working very hard and are doing their absolute best to make this game a viral hit and it is in all of our best interest, no one more than them themselves, to do so.
What I am trying to say is:
1.Please cut these guys a break with the instant criticism of newly released updates. They don’t have magic abilities like some of the monsters, they are just a couple of regular guys doing their best.
2.Lets give them the massive gratitude they deserve for allowing us to even be talking about this right now. They have created something amazing that has produced many smiles and has been a thrilling development many of us have enjoyed.
So thanks guys, I can’t wait to keep building this together :)
Earn $5 in Mene credit for signing up for Mene with this invite link:
To find out more about what Menē 24 karat gold and platinum investment jewelry is from your fellow Steemians :
To find out more about what Goldmoney is from your fellow Steemians : https://steemit.com/contest/@goldmatters/what-in-the-world-s-goldmoney-winners
To sign up for a Goldmoney Holding start here: https://www.goldmoney.com/w/goldmatters
For Menē 24k investment jewelry here: http://Mene.com/invite/JrT26p
I am on a personal mission to spread the word about Goldmoney and Menē through any means necessary. Goldmoney allows individuals to empower themselves by protecting their savings by owning small or large amounts gold previously inaccessible to regular people like you and me.
All images sourced from Menē and Goldmoney.
Read more about Goldmoney: https://steemit.com/@goldmatters
See Steemians unbox Mene:
totally agree, starting something from nothing is an accomplishment and its great that most of the community has been supportive. i really can't wait for the game to start.
Heck yeah! So.... will you enter my contest?? :)
oh crap i forgot it ends today .... i'll wait for your next one ....
#steemmonstersfamily #trusttheprocess #sameteam
Lol yeah!!
Wow, that's dedication! I think it will go far. It's only going to get bigger and bigger!
Yeah, I respect his gutsy decision. Sometimes you have to go big in life
The boys have done a killer job, and people should bare in mind this thing has taken off beyond belief... so to add to their already busy schedule , they've had to expand prematurely to keep with with demand, Instead of complaining about the wait... people should be happy they got on board early!
Love the gold button too @goldmatters I think it looks awesome. @vincys ear cuff looked nice to... I can see why my wife is such a fan of Mené.
Thank you for your thoughts :) If you ever do any Mene unboxings make sure I see them!
Im sure we will... 😉
Look at all the interaction on Steemit from competitions to giveaways to pack opening posts because of @steemmonsters. So much positive interaction. Simply amazing what @aggroed and @yabapmatt has managed to do.
Exactly. Steemmonsters content galore! Its brought in a bunch of new people already
You have received a Steemmonsters upvote! This post has been upvoted by Steemmonsters Discord member, goldmatters.
Please find out more about Steemmonsters: https://steemmonsters.com/
Hey thanks
Yes the whole work they do is very impressive and steemmonsters will be a great success if we all work together. I have given out giveaways for free and also participated in many of them an the community is just so generous. The only contest I didn't do is the Mene one...why? Because you have to purchase something in order to get the Giveaway which in my opinion is not so good to get new people hooked...but hey everybody does how they like. So props to everybody who is spreading the word out Steemmonsters rocks!!!
Posted using Partiko Android
Thats incorrect. You dont have to buy anything to enter. I have never thrown a contest where you have to buy something.
Ok my fault than I probably misunderstood it. Or it was another Mene contest I think from Toronto or something...nevermind its all good!!!
Posted using Partiko Android
They must of made over a million $s by now? So hardly surprising he quit his job lol.
No they havent made close to that much .... the price of steem has cut in half since most of the sales, plus they arent taking any $ out but using for further development, so its not like they are getting rich of the game yet....