Which steemmonsters cards have a high winning ratio for the different rule sets?

in #steemmonsters6 years ago (edited)


These statistics show how often full leveled cards are able to win, depending on the ruleset. All ranked battles since 2018-12-28 02:00:00 are included. Only full leveled cards that were played at least 100 times are included. Only matches were both teams are using the full mana cap were included.

As the post would be to big to broadcast, I excluded all monster cards with a winning ratio between 40% - 60%.

Aim True


Selenia SkyDragon49275065.60 %
Lyanna NaturaEarth690133551.69 %
Zintar MortalisDeath1107215151.46 %
Tyrus PaladiumLife1833359251.03 %
Alric StormbringerWater1014210148.26 %
Daria DragonscaleDragon9521145.02 %
Malric InfernoFire675164141.13 %
Xia SeachanWater9223539.15 %


Defender of TruthLife642104761.32 %
Magi of the ForestEarth43070361.17 %
Screaming BansheeDeath32253160.64 %
Swamp ThingEarth619102360.51 %
Undead PriestDeath733121960.13 %
Fire BeetleFire34386939.47 %
Raging ImpalerNeutral3913528.89 %
CyclopsNeutral15272820.88 %
Giant RocFire5332116.51 %

Back to Basics


Selenia SkyDragon27444261.99 %
Alric StormbringerWater1908324058.89 %
Lyanna NaturaEarth993171757.83 %
Xander FoxwoodEarth14525357.31 %
Tyrus PaladiumLife1418302346.91 %
Malric InfernoFire523136338.37 %
Zintar MortalisDeath668177137.72 %
Daria DragonscaleDragon4013230.30 %


Mischievous MermaidWater2000284770.25 %
Magi of the ForestEarth1231182167.60 %
Peaceful GiantNeutral1515230265.81 %
Swamp ThingEarth719110165.30 %
MedusaWater1284198864.59 %
Goblin SorcererEarth894139264.22 %
Magi SphinxNeutral1979311663.51 %
Defender of TruthLife759120063.25 %
Silvershield WarriorLife23738861.08 %
Earth ElementalEarth806132660.78 %
Fire BeetleFire32984139.12 %
Feral SpiritLife25565738.81 %
Frost GiantWater5013038.46 %
RexxieEarth12332138.32 %
Serpentine SoldierFire9023837.82 %
HydraNeutral4010737.38 %
Crustacean KingWater22260336.82 %
Haunted SpiritDeath506137736.75 %
Lord of DarknessDeath6517836.52 %
Haunted SpiderDeath459131334.96 %
Pit OgreFire8525233.73 %
Kobold MinerFire20763132.81 %
Skeleton AssassinDeath19368528.18 %
Elven CutthroatNeutral22697523.18 %
Giant RocFire7635721.29 %
CyclopsNeutral12680415.67 %

Lost Legendaries


Selenia SkyDragon30549461.74 %
Xia SeachanWater7512759.06 %
Lyanna NaturaEarth662124553.17 %
Zintar MortalisDeath1118218951.07 %
Alric StormbringerWater1155227650.75 %
Tyrus PaladiumLife1689338649.88 %
Malric InfernoFire683163441.80 %
Daria DragonscaleDragon6718236.81 %


Defender of TruthLife717113263.34 %
Swamp ThingEarth57292361.97 %
Undead PriestDeath767125661.07 %
Mischievous MermaidWater847139760.63 %
Pit OgreFire8822139.82 %
VampireDeath4511439.47 %
Peaceful GiantNeutral4812239.34 %
CentaurNeutral660168539.17 %
Raging ImpalerNeutral5514438.19 %
RexxieEarth4011534.78 %
Rusty AndroidNeutral3511330.97 %
Giant RocFire8840921.52 %
CyclopsNeutral14277818.25 %

Melee Mayhem


Selenia SkyDragon19131860.06 %
Malric InfernoFire1455265554.80 %
Zintar MortalisDeath1238248949.74 %
Tyrus PaladiumLife1621335348.34 %
Alric StormbringerWater870180548.20 %
Lyanna NaturaEarth660141646.61 %
Daria DragonscaleDragon18741045.61 %
Talia FirestormFire4511638.79 %


Elemental PhoenixFire26540665.27 %
Goblin ShamanFire57190363.23 %
Serpentine SoldierFire892142262.73 %
Defender of TruthLife54787762.37 %
Gold DragonDragon8113261.36 %
Flame ImpFire17328261.35 %
MedusaWater43871461.34 %
Mischievous MermaidWater46977060.91 %
Lord ArianthusNeutral33254760.69 %
Serpent of the FlameFire54189560.45 %
Elven CutthroatNeutral725182439.75 %
RexxieEarth18646839.74 %
Water ElementalWater25069735.87 %
CentaurNeutral330107730.64 %
CyclopsNeutral7362411.70 %

Reverse Speed


Selenia SkyDragon19929467.69 %
Lyanna NaturaEarth613103459.28 %
Alric StormbringerWater929169654.78 %
Daria DragonscaleDragon6112648.41 %
Tyrus PaladiumLife1221252448.38 %
Zintar MortalisDeath604132345.65 %
Malric InfernoFire377108534.75 %


Gold DragonDragon9413072.31 %
Swamp ThingEarth44964269.94 %
MedusaWater62491967.90 %
Stone GolemEarth24736767.30 %
Mischievous MermaidWater44366167.02 %
Sea GenieWater25638566.49 %
Frost GiantWater38258765.08 %
Magi of the ForestEarth35154065.00 %
Mushroom SeerEarth25138964.52 %
Earth ElementalEarth57188764.37 %
Wood NymphEarth14122462.95 %
Undead PriestDeath39966360.18 %
Pit OgreFire14136638.52 %
Silvershield KnightLife7018737.43 %
Serpentine SoldierFire6617936.87 %
Elven CutthroatNeutral405110936.52 %
Fire BeetleFire21559436.20 %
CyclopsNeutral417121434.35 %
Kobold MinerFire29086233.64 %
CentaurNeutral330101732.45 %
Giant RocFire3526713.11 %

Rise of the Commons


Selenia SkyDragon30047762.89 %
Zintar MortalisDeath1267235353.85 %
Alric StormbringerWater1077200253.80 %
Xia SeachanWater7514751.02 %
Tyrus PaladiumLife1498312647.92 %
Lyanna NaturaEarth591129445.67 %
Malric InfernoFire667154843.09 %
Daria DragonscaleDragon7217541.14 %


Undead PriestDeath925143564.46 %
Frozen SoldierWater37859163.96 %
Twisted JesterDeath1136181162.73 %
Sabre SharkWater53588060.80 %
MedusaWater753124460.53 %
Stonesplitter OrcEarth9025036.00 %
RexxieEarth5114335.66 %
HobgoblinNeutral4312235.25 %
CyclopsNeutral422139630.23 %
Rusty AndroidNeutral4416027.50 %
Giant RocFire12245926.58 %

Silenced Summoners


Xander FoxwoodEarth20931666.14 %
Jarlax the UndeadDeath15324662.20 %
Selenia SkyDragon23938661.92 %
Kiara LightbringerLife13423058.26 %
Xia SeachanWater23141555.66 %
Zintar MortalisDeath1084212950.92 %
Alric StormbringerWater882177749.63 %
Talia FirestormFire21242849.53 %
Lyanna NaturaEarth652132549.21 %
Tyrus PaladiumLife1459314146.45 %
Daria DragonscaleDragon5111046.36 %
Malric InfernoFire680150845.09 %


Undead PriestDeath838131763.63 %
Gold DragonDragon13220963.16 %
Swamp ThingEarth653103862.91 %
Spirit of the ForestEarth34355461.91 %
Flame ImpFire24139061.79 %
Defender of TruthLife684111061.62 %
Twisted JesterDeath942154461.01 %
Stone GolemEarth16026460.61 %
Frozen SoldierWater14323660.59 %
Raging ImpalerNeutral4511539.13 %
CentaurNeutral618160738.46 %
Stonesplitter OrcEarth7619838.38 %
RexxieEarth3611531.30 %
Giant RocFire7337219.62 %
CyclopsNeutral9972613.64 %



Selenia SkyDragon36257762.74 %
Lyanna NaturaEarth721131354.91 %
Alric StormbringerWater1128217051.98 %
Zintar MortalisDeath1106225049.16 %
Tyrus PaladiumLife1574324348.54 %
Talia FirestormFire4710146.53 %
Malric InfernoFire787174945.00 %
Daria DragonscaleDragon8020938.28 %
Xia SeachanWater7620836.54 %


Swamp ThingEarth63298863.97 %
Spirit of the ForestEarth29947662.82 %
Mischievous MermaidWater866140561.64 %
Magi of the ForestEarth49079661.56 %
Defender of TruthLife625101761.46 %
Sea GenieWater25241361.02 %
MedusaWater667110660.31 %
Stonesplitter OrcEarth6416239.51 %
Elven CutthroatNeutral718183639.11 %
CentaurNeutral591155837.93 %
VampireDeath3711731.62 %
Giant RocFire8738622.54 %
CyclopsNeutral12673717.10 %

Super Sneak


Selenia SkyDragon19832560.92 %
Malric InfernoFire1305247952.64 %
Zintar MortalisDeath1168226251.64 %
Lyanna NaturaEarth729142651.12 %
Tyrus PaladiumLife1594337547.23 %
Daria DragonscaleDragon15533646.13 %
Alric StormbringerWater851186545.63 %
Xia SeachanWater4610543.81 %


Undead PriestDeath61197562.67 %
Angel of LightLife7512062.50 %
Spirit of the ForestEarth16326262.21 %
Swamp ThingEarth43269562.16 %
Defender of TruthLife54889161.50 %
Rusty AndroidNeutral6416738.32 %
Raging ImpalerNeutral10627937.99 %
Water ElementalWater28075836.94 %
CentaurNeutral323109929.39 %
CyclopsNeutral8267612.13 %

Taking Sides


Selenia SkyDragon31951162.43 %
Zintar MortalisDeath879167152.60 %
Jarlax the UndeadDeath5510552.38 %
Lyanna NaturaEarth47393550.59 %
Tyrus PaladiumLife965196449.13 %
Alric StormbringerWater675143846.94 %
Malric InfernoFire556121045.95 %
Talia FirestormFire4510742.06 %
Daria DragonscaleDragon6015339.22 %


Serpent of the FlameFire13835538.87 %
Pit OgreFire7018937.04 %
Silvershield WarriorLife8424234.71 %
Silvershield KnightLife12034734.58 %
Animated CorpseDeath6620033.00 %
VampireDeath4113530.37 %
Giant RocFire3214821.62 %

Target Practice


Selenia SkyDragon49177563.35 %
Lyanna NaturaEarth689130053.00 %
Malric InfernoFire1075208651.53 %
Alric StormbringerWater1039215348.26 %
Daria DragonscaleDragon8818447.83 %
Talia FirestormFire12325947.49 %
Zintar MortalisDeath1018215847.17 %
Tyrus PaladiumLife1497317847.11 %


Spirit of the ForestEarth28042865.42 %
Gold DragonDragon23737064.05 %
Stone GolemEarth13320863.94 %
Swamp ThingEarth57891163.45 %
Elemental PhoenixFire726117162.00 %
Flame ImpFire25741561.93 %
CentaurNeutral540138439.02 %
Spineback WolfDeath3910337.86 %
Wood NymphEarth6718137.02 %
RexxieEarth3110728.97 %
Giant RocFire10040025.00 %
CyclopsNeutral15278419.39 %



Selenia SkyDragon36859661.74 %
Zintar MortalisDeath1405234160.02 %
Lyanna NaturaEarth867150557.61 %
Talia FirestormFire8214855.41 %
Malric InfernoFire1127204355.16 %
Daria DragonscaleDragon12425249.21 %
Alric StormbringerWater879205642.75 %
Tyrus PaladiumLife963270535.60 %


Undead PriestDeath1010141571.38 %
Flame ImpFire28339970.93 %
Lord of DarknessDeath20329768.35 %
Twisted JesterDeath1155170067.94 %
Swamp ThingEarth686101267.79 %
Mushroom SeerEarth33851765.38 %
Screaming BansheeDeath38058465.07 %
Goblin ShamanFire800124264.41 %
Magi of the ForestEarth53083763.32 %
Gold DragonDragon12920463.24 %
Dark EnchantressDeath20832963.22 %
CerberusFire51283561.32 %
Earth ElementalEarth717117461.07 %
Skeleton AssassinDeath1021167760.88 %
VampireDeath8113460.45 %
Fire DemonFire749124760.06 %
Water ElementalWater37295838.83 %
Feral SpiritLife396103738.19 %
PeacebringerLife745203736.57 %
Divine HealerLife929256436.23 %
Silvershield KnightLife11231136.01 %
Silvershield WarriorLife4613035.38 %
Giant RocFire14039835.18 %
Spineback TurtleWater376109534.34 %
Silvershield PaladinLife658202332.53 %
Frozen SoldierWater4015326.14 %
CyclopsNeutral13173017.95 %

Up Close & Personal


Zintar MortalisDeath1019161463.14 %
Malric InfernoFire1117187959.45 %
Daria DragonscaleDragon17933054.24 %
Selenia SkyDragon4310142.57 %
Lyanna NaturaEarth39697140.78 %
Alric StormbringerWater33783340.46 %
Tyrus PaladiumLife649203431.91 %


Lord of DarknessDeath65394768.95 %
Skeleton AssassinDeath888139363.75 %
Serpent of the FlameFire638101762.73 %
Haunted SpiritDeath771126860.80 %
Spineback WolfDeath34456960.46 %
Serpentine SoldierFire626103860.31 %
HobgoblinNeutral23759739.70 %
RexxieEarth13134038.53 %
Stone GolemEarth9324238.43 %
Stonesplitter OrcEarth24965238.19 %
Feral SpiritLife650196133.15 %
Rusty AndroidNeutral12036432.97 %
Silvershield KnightLife491153831.92 %
Minotaur WarriorEarth8026430.30 %
Clay GolemLife8026430.30 %
Silvershield WarriorLife18365128.11 %
Silvershield PaladinLife401152026.38 %

Weak Magic


Selenia SkyDragon40863364.45 %
Tyrus PaladiumLife2060395952.03 %
Lyanna NaturaEarth649131449.39 %
Zintar MortalisDeath1030208849.33 %
Xia SeachanWater7014348.95 %
Alric StormbringerWater861181247.52 %
Daria DragonscaleDragon10123343.35 %
Malric InfernoFire740171143.25 %


Defender of TruthLife938143865.23 %
Gold DragonDragon9114861.49 %
Spirit of the ForestEarth32653760.71 %
Swamp ThingEarth58597260.19 %
Pit OgreFire8321538.60 %
Spineback WolfDeath5815437.66 %
VampireDeath4010737.38 %
Stonesplitter OrcEarth7120135.32 %
Raging ImpalerNeutral4914134.75 %
Animated CorpseDeath3911334.51 %
RexxieEarth3210729.91 %
Giant RocFire8437322.52 %
CyclopsNeutral10767715.81 %

Best winning ratio across all rule sets

cardsplinterbest rulewin ratio
Gold DragonDragonReverse Speed72.31 %
Undead PriestDeathUnprotected71.38 %
Flame ImpFireUnprotected70.93 %
Mischievous MermaidWaterBack to Basics70.25 %
Swamp ThingEarthReverse Speed69.94 %
Lord of DarknessDeathUp Close & Personal68.95 %
Twisted JesterDeathUnprotected67.94 %
MedusaWaterReverse Speed67.90 %
Selenia SkyDragonReverse Speed67.69 %
Magi of the ForestEarthBack to Basics67.60 %
Stone GolemEarthReverse Speed67.30 %
Sea GenieWaterReverse Speed66.49 %
Xander FoxwoodEarthSilenced Summoners66.14 %
Peaceful GiantNeutralBack to Basics65.81 %
Spirit of the ForestEarthTarget Practice65.42 %
Mushroom SeerEarthUnprotected65.38 %
Elemental PhoenixFireMelee Mayhem65.27 %
Defender of TruthLifeWeak Magic65.23 %
Frost GiantWaterReverse Speed65.08 %
Screaming BansheeDeathUnprotected65.07 %
Goblin ShamanFireUnprotected64.41 %
Earth ElementalEarthReverse Speed64.37 %
Goblin SorcererEarthBack to Basics64.22 %
Frozen SoldierWaterRise of the Commons63.96 %
Skeleton AssassinDeathUp Close & Personal63.75 %
Magi SphinxNeutralBack to Basics63.51 %
Dark EnchantressDeathUnprotected63.22 %
Zintar MortalisDeathUp Close & Personal63.14 %
Wood NymphEarthReverse Speed62.95 %
Serpent of the FlameFireUp Close & Personal62.73 %
Serpentine SoldierFireMelee Mayhem62.73 %
Angel of LightLifeSuper Sneak62.50 %
Jarlax the UndeadDeathSilenced Summoners62.20 %
CerberusFireUnprotected61.32 %
Silvershield WarriorLifeBack to Basics61.08 %
Haunted SpiritDeathUp Close & Personal60.80 %
Sabre SharkWaterRise of the Commons60.80 %
Lord ArianthusNeutralMelee Mayhem60.69 %
Spineback WolfDeathUp Close & Personal60.46 %
VampireDeathUnprotected60.45 %
Fire DemonFireUnprotected60.06 %
Sacred UnicornLifeWeak Magic59.80 %
Naga WarriorWaterTarget Practice59.79 %
Flesh GolemEarthReverse Speed59.70 %
Kobold MinerFireUp Close & Personal59.58 %
HydraNeutralUp Close & Personal59.46 %
Malric InfernoFireUp Close & Personal59.45 %
Enchanted PixieNeutralBack to Basics59.35 %
Lyanna NaturaEarthReverse Speed59.28 %
Xia SeachanWaterLost Legendaries59.06 %
Alric StormbringerWaterBack to Basics58.89 %
Spineback TurtleWaterBack to Basics58.82 %
Haunted SpiderDeathUnprotected58.42 %
Divine SorceressLifeAim True58.41 %
Clay GolemLifeAim True58.33 %
Kiara LightbringerLifeSilenced Summoners58.26 %
Pirate CaptainWaterRise of the Commons58.13 %
Crustacean KingWaterRise of the Commons57.55 %
Animated CorpseDeathUp Close & Personal57.33 %
Air ElementalLifeWeak Magic56.80 %
Creeping OozeNeutralSuper Sneak56.59 %
Highland ArcherNeutralReverse Speed56.22 %
Pit OgreFireUp Close & Personal55.53 %
Talia FirestormFireUnprotected55.41 %
Silvershield KnightLifeSuper Sneak55.27 %
Water ElementalWaterRise of the Commons55.16 %
Giant RocFireUp Close & Personal55.14 %
Daria DragonscaleDragonUp Close & Personal54.24 %
Fire BeetleFireUnprotected52.95 %
Feral SpiritLifeWeak Magic52.85 %
Silvershield PaladinLifeWeak Magic52.55 %
Lightning DragonDragonTarget Practice52.48 %
Tyrus PaladiumLifeWeak Magic52.03 %
Divine HealerLifeWeak Magic51.86 %
PeacebringerLifeTaking Sides51.76 %
HobgoblinNeutralSuper Sneak51.26 %
Stonesplitter OrcEarthSuper Sneak50.73 %
Elven CutthroatNeutralRise of the Commons50.42 %
CocatriceNeutralSuper Sneak50.15 %
Raging ImpalerNeutralBack to Basics50.00 %
Grumpy DwarfNeutralSuper Sneak48.29 %
Minotaur WarriorEarthSuper Sneak47.69 %
Chromatic DragonDragonUp Close & Personal47.29 %
RexxieEarthSuper Sneak45.63 %
CentaurNeutralRise of the Commons45.04 %
Rusty AndroidNeutralMelee Mayhem40.00 %
CyclopsNeutralReverse Speed34.35 %


Cards with a winning ratio below 50% should be avoided for the specific ruleset.

There are 9 cards that are always above 50%, as the Gold Dragon. These are good cards that fit on every rule set.

On the other hand, there are 7 cards that lose always more matches no matter which ruleset. The Cyclops for example has a winning ratio between 11.7% - 34.35%. These cards should be avoided.

The number indicate that the following reward cards are strong (winning ratio > 60%):

  • Flame Imp
  • Sea Genie
  • Mushroom Seer
  • Wood Nymph
  • Lord Arianthus
  • Vampire

There were to less battles for the following full leveled rewards cards:

  • Naga Fire Wizard
  • Pirate Archer
  • Phantom Soldier
    I will include them in my next statistics post.

The number indicate that the following reward cards are strong (winning ratio > 60%):

Flame Imp
Sea Genie
Mushroom Seer
Wood Nymph
Lord Arianthus

All new cards if i'm not mistaken?

Interesting and useful stuff dude, cheers!

These are the good reward cards.
Daria Dragonscale, Highland Archer, Rusty Android, Hobgolim and Divine Sorceress are not so good, as they have a much lower winning ratio. The newest reward cards have not enough matches for calculating the winning ratio.

Very interesting analysis, I love to see that my suspects were correct about the Flame imp :D.

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Oh wow what a fantastic post @holger80 full of great information, especially when the tournaments for money start! Love the "Best winning ratio across all rules" awesome job, upped and resteemed to share with others!💕💁👹👿💀

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Should do a quickstart and earn with steemmonsters because some are like how do I play this? after they bought the cards.

Posted using Partiko Android

OMG.. I thought @holger80 is a fighting bot acc😆 thank you for the stats😊 this is Awesome! I think that i need to use flame imp and rusty more☺

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