I've been wanting to get into Steem Monsters since forever. Or at least, so it seems. And after Steemfest, where everyone so generously received a free starter pack, it seemed silly not to. And yet I did put it off for an incredible amount of time and only started 7 days ago.
It's not that I didn't want to, it's just that I've always had a bit of a horror of this kind of battle card game because I've always been convinced I would majorly suck at it. So I kept thinking oh, but there's probably a lot of rules I have to learn and abilities and all that, I'll just leave it for when I have more time. And that was shaping up to be never, in my little bubble of procrastination.
But a week ago, I struck a deal with my ten year old gamer brother – I'd check out a card game he wanted me to check out and he'd play Steem Monsters with me. It turned out, it wasn't difficult at all and we spent hours that day having tremendous fun. Well, except for the part where I was screaming at the computer after losing a few matches in a row. Yeah, that wasn't fun.
And over this week, I wanted to see how far I could get in the game. At first, you know, I hadn't realized you get cards (or at least, that you can get quite a few cards) from quests and so I bought a few cards to upgrade my favorite characters, such as the Sea Genie and the Water Elemental.
But then, I started getting 5card rewards after finishing quests and I figured okay, I'm just waiting to see what I get and I'll grow from there.
I have to say, man, this game is such fun. I'm kicking myself for not starting earlier. I love it, I've been doing battles on loop over here. I can see how it can get addictive, though. For me, it's usually, if I'm on a losing streak, okay, I'll play until I win. And after I do win one, it's like okay, but now I have a winning streak, I have to see how far I can get this baby.
It's endless. And I love it.
So, after seven days of playing (not non-stop, though),I managed to get up to the Silver I league, which I think is pretty damn good. Of course, I fell back a lot, trying to do quests and now I'm in Bronze II again. But hey, 16 days till this season ends and I want to do a lot better than Silver I this time. Also, as reward, I got 30 cards which helped me level up a bunch of cool cards. I'm ready to go.
Are you playing? How are you faring?
Thanks for playing and see you in the arena,
Thanks for playing and see you in the arena
Ive been playing when I can, but wish I was more consistent. I bought a decent amount of alpha packs before you could even battle and have building my deck through daily quests and reward cards. Wouldnt mind buying another group of packs during the next bull run.