
You are completely right, but you wrote yourself: "I better should try"
So it's more safe that you can get the Steem from powerdown than from prices of tournaments :-)
In every case I wish you good luck !

Even in case I really shouldn't win any tournament money anymore I wouldn't power down and instead of that wait to get new STEEM as rewards for my great articles and comments. :)

Yes I see, that for this great comment alone you get till now 10 upvotes, so I think if I should give you 11th, but least time your payout decrease from 0,71 to 0,69 after I set my upvote - so I'm not sure if I should do.

Yes I see, that for this great comment alone ...

Really great, isn't it? Considering that my comments are in average nearly as long as your articles ... ;-)

I don't think so, but I don't want to evaluate this now
