Looking forward to tournaments that EVERYONE can participate in at anytime of the day.
I believe the following will happen.
- 1000+ participants will become the norm instead of barely 100.
- You'll have tournaments with guaranteed 10-20 matches
- Tournaments with 10-20 matches will take less time than live tournaments... because... lack of Waiting time.
- Time zones and people's work schedules won't matter... you can play when you choose.
- There will be a bit more fairness (less luck) in this style
- I think tournaments with micro-payments together with great rewards will be much more common and popular.
- I think more sponsors will run tournaments because there will be MORE people playing them plus they can easily advertise a tournament that people have 1-2 days (maybe more) to complete.
- People will tell their friends "it's kind of like fantasy sports play at your leisure and come back and see how you stack up"
- I think there will be more content for posts and videos (youtube) showing standings etc. Specially if there are multi round tournaments with finals brackets etc.
- More Working professionals will play because they can choose THEIR time to play.
Hopefully asynchronous 1v1 challenges could be a thing, too!