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RE: Steem Monsters - Killing the Bots and a New Way to Earn Daily Quest Rewards

in #steemmonsters6 years ago

I do not question your intentions for trying to make this a better game and for taking an active role in conceptualizing these enhancements. I meant only to cause this conversation to pause for a moment and consider other thought processes.

I had seen some people sharing the link already in various places with some not so great feedback/comments which is why I gave it a good read.

I do agree that tournaments need to become a focal point for the game, I do agree that bots are annoying and that people hate them but I also see that if they weren’t there then wait times could potentially increase quite a bit across different ranking levels and cause issues with the regular gameplay, and I also agree that the current reward structure is pumping out cards at a massive rate.

Changing rewards payouts for the daily quests would cause a riot up front, agreed, but in a system where you also implement reward based tournaments you’d then have tournament rewards, season rewards and daily quest rewards. That’s a lot of rewards.

The problem is that you need all these things now that they’ve been part of the game for a little while now and that people have grown to like them. I think people would adjust better if they still had the ability to get something out of the daily rewards, even if it was a flat rate across the board then if these were scrapped entirely.

The daily quests I still think shouldn’t be dependent on your ranking level and rather a just a standard reward for everyone. I think that was a mistake up front when this was rolled out and set unusually high expectations from
the players. There should be a significant different between daily quests and season long based rewards which would cause the player to want to continue to play even after they’ve completed their daily quest while also distributing less cards and protecting the value of the cards a bit more.

These are just all my thoughts obviously and again are just meant to make people take a step back and re-evaluate the big picture and what’s truly best for the game and everyone in it. No customer is too small and we should be trying to keep as many people around as we can.


I agree about the daily quest rewards paying the same for everyone but its likely to never be changed back to that model. The season end is what should be staggered not the daily. I have been saying it for a while now, Steem-Monsters biggest issue is its own generosity. It started with giving away way too much and are stuck in that loop although they are slowly crawling out of it.