
lol, have you never eaten boiled peanuts? I'm dyin over here laughing!

Hahahahaha, i’ve eatened boiled peanuts, but they were never dripping with juice, lol. That’s why I was confused. Now you got me crackin up.

even the JUICE doesn't understand this

rollin' over here, my stomach hurts!

Bah hahahahahahahahahaha

brownie points if you even get this

Hahahahah harmless lil bunny.

she's a witch!, I love Monty Python

I guess I just have juicy
whenever I make 'em at home they're dripping with the JUICE

You killin me, hahhahahabahabahahahba

hate to use a pic twice.....BUT
you're free to grab some of my nuts...caution, they're spicy!

Juicy and spicy 🌶 🌶 ? BahaHahaha, I can’t take it anymore. Tears are coming out now i’m Rofl ing so hard.

keep playing with my
juicy nuts and you'll get more
than tears on your face!

People are going to come on this post and wonder what we are on, lol

I'm on the JUICE!!!!

why does a short fat lady come up when you search 'juicy' for GIFs?...oh shit, it's reached another level!