Crypto? Good for me and you!

How hard is it to try and explain the Steemit ecosystem? Almost everyday I'm talking to people about it but nobody can grasp what I'm talking about. I go to work and I get the same question "Hows Bitcoin doing today?" from mostly the same person.

I guess I need to figure a certain and exciting way of explaining what the hell a blockchain is! Besides the same old "Well its a digital ledger in which transactions made in bitcoin or another cryptocurrency are recorded chronologically and publicly so everyone can see what hell you got. You know transparency is the key."

I'm still trying to get my wife on Steemit. I think she would make a excellent steemian and I believe it might happen soon. Been working on her for a while with crypto. I told her I could buy her account through and if she is not into the card game she could send the cards to me! Seems fare since I'm buying!🤣

What are some great ways to talk to people about crypto? Let me know in the comments below!

Also if you haven't got into it, you need to! 1533163450728.png
Click here to join Steem Monsters Discord

VOTE them for witness!
20180801_174600_0001.png Tell your friends and family about where you can purchase a Steemit account and get SteemMonsters Starter Pack! I would like to thank @yabapmatt and @aggroed for creating @steemmonsters!


I just tell people that instead of making mark zuckerberg rich you actually get payed for the content you create & that it's censorship free.

Facebook has made lots of zombies out of people with the constant need to know what everyone is doing or saying! Fucking facebook!

Yes, hate is a strong word and emotion and I don't say this lightly however I hate what facebook has done to society it is very shameful the exploitation and downright illegal practices they commit against people.

I don’t know of any interesting ways to talk about crypto, but my husband is the one who created my account and convinced me to join Steemit. Now I’m hooked. lol. I’m also super excited to see how SteemMonsters play out.

Good luck with the wifey. :D