This is a pretty rambling introduction but hopefully I impart a ton of info that perhaps my friends may appreciate. Now I can send them a link and they can tell me if they need any more info. Then I can see what they're still confused about and make another video that does a better job clarifying.
Affiliate link)-- THE MARKET =
Happy to answer any questions... heck if a friend is reading this just call my phone.
Also i'm happy to let a friend use one of my accounts I've prepped for others to use.
Great Video, I will use it to promote Steemmonsters to some of friends as well, very good Job and thanks for sharing!
Wasn't sure if it was too much info and short enough but if they want to play they should be willing to spend 30 minutes right? It could save them hours. I may try again in the future maybe i'll keep getting better at it.