Hey all,
I was reading a few messages on Discord and on a couple of SteemIt Posts, and the feeling seems to be the same among the majority of people. Though each league/tier in Steem Monsters is much tougher to compete in, than the last, if you spend enough money, you can bust through the league/tier you're currently battling in!
I'm not a fan of this, but hey, it's the nature of the game.

You have to accept the highest league you can compete in, and just be happy that you got that far! This game is not 100% skilled based, bur rather a decent mix between skill & investment. Skill will only take you so far, as even minute combat stat increases on monsters can seal your fate... and I'm not even going to touch on abilities lol
As we await the "tournaments patch" in the new year, our goal is set on three objectives:
- Win the free daily booster pack, each and every day.
- Attain the highest league/tier possible (just once per season) to receive the most booster packs as a reward.
- Open said booster packs and hope you reveal great cards that you can combine, so you can compete at higher levels.

Battle System
I do like the changes made to the battle system so far:
- Every battle has a randomized "conflict" (set of rules).
- Certain splinters may or may not be allowed in said battle.
- The mana cap varies between 15 and 27.
- You have less time to create your team as you scale in leagues/tiers.
This has made the biggest impact to the game to date, as you can't just mindlessly spam teams in battle and climb the ladder. I do, however, look forward to the day that we can control our own monster card "movements" (crosses fingers) 😀

Allow me to wrap this post up with a couple of animated GIFs I found appropriate to this topic.
Me breaking through Novice tier to Bronze!

Me trying to break into Diamond

Feel free to drop a comment and let me know your thoughts. Let's chat - if you want to!
I'm only in Silver 3 but it’s getting tougher and tougher. When I win that 5th battle of the day...

Than I open my pack in hopes of a Gold Foil, but it's more like...

I am still a little noobi knowing not so much. Maybe I can go up to Stone-level some day. It is just below Bronze. Happy Christmas !
EAT CHEESE AND SMILE / Miniminiminiminimining
I finally made it to gold! I cant even imagine getting to diamond.