for my suggestion
I'd like to see a list of exactly what happened in the battle int a textlog, same like they do on poker sites...
That was after a bunch of battles you can go back and see exactly what was done and how you lost or won.
it could be a simple log file this
A starts out with 22 mana Summoner: X, MonsterX1 (lvl and abilities) ....MonsterXn 2 ....
B starts out with 24 mana Summoner: Y, MonsterY1 (lvl and abilities) ... MonsterYn 2 ....
round 1
MonsterX attacks MonsterY with Monsterxability with lvl, MonsterY Deflects z and shield reduces u
MonsterY was eliminated from the field
The fact that there is replay means the log is already stored it just needs to be readable and downloadable instead of playing it.