How very kind of you.
I nominate myself, @poyim for “Swamp Thing” ... for no other reason other than because I want it.
Can we nominate someone for each card? If so...
I nominate @onefatindian for the “Serpent of Flame” because Indian people like spice and that's a hot, fiery card.
I nominate @jeenger for the “Magi of the Forest” because he works his magic on those scenic photo puzzle games.
I nominate @crystalhuman for “Defender of Truth” because I think the username suits the art... and crystals are clear like the truth is to be transparent ... and the obvious part... of being human.
I nominate @rentmoney for “Screaming Banchee” because I want to scream at him for getting a Gold Foil Dragon on his very first pack.
I nominate @sparkesy43 to keep the sexy “Dark Enchantress”. Maybe she can help heal your rash... with a little magic ointment... in all the right places.
Thanks for that! :D
LOL nice... I like it!
Thanks, @poyim! :D
Snakes also like to eat their food whole. Is that how you got fat? heehee. :D
Who said I was fat?
Your fat told me.
Hahahah .....
I am going to buy 1 more booster pack next week and it will also contain a legendary gold foil so get ready for my incoming post called, I did it again : Gold Fold In My Second Ever Purchased Pack :)
Good luck with that. You can have your bragging rights because it'll feel that much sweeter when I destroy you in battle... Muahahaha...
Well you've certainly opened a can of worms here @poyim. I happy for multiple nominations (hey, a few others have run with it, so why not?), but unfortunately I will still only be parting with the two cards in total. It just means I have a tougher decision to make when it comes to awarding them.
Hahaha... you’re welcome.
I understand that making a decision to award a 2nd person with so many nominations would be so very difficult, since the first card already has my name on it. Woo Hoo!
Hello @poyim, have you recognized correctly, I like the magic of the forest! I ride almost every day 10-20 km with my bike through our forests and switch off from the job! Thank you!
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!! Enjoy your new Swamp Thing
I got it! SUCCESS!!
It could not have been easy to select winners.
I am happy to be one of them.
Have a fantastic day! Thank you @sparkesy43.