How to get 200 Chest every season in 30 Daily Games or Less - Reward Shares Deep Dive
Name's Chev!
Tired of NOT earning anything in the lower leagues?
Have you been praying to get a Gold Foil Legendary from your single Bronze League Chest everyday?!
Worry not, my friend!
Bronze is LUCRATIVE again!
Let's talk about how LIFE CHANGING Reward Shares will be in this vid!
I hope the vid has been helpful!
If you have any Q's, feel free to ask in the comment section below.
I can cover them in my livestreams or maybe create an entirely new vid about the topic.
Happy Grinding!
ign: quickdrawchev
Furious Chicken Youtube Channel
Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice

nice and informative video, thanks for the effort.
Always happy to help! :D