Did you use a promo code ?
I have added you to tier 1 as you do indeed have the starter set pack but for some reason it didn't register with my affiliate account. If you used a promo code this could be the reason why. If not then I will have to contact the founders as their might be some display errors on my end.
Oh! Yeah I was gifted the pack with a promo code and I had no idea one could interfere with someone that has already been sponsored.
Base on this, I understand you and I have no problem being a Tier 1.
My question now is will the referral bonuses of my future buys go to you or the person that gave me a code? 🤔
Like has this person completely stolen me from you?
Tier 1 is where you want to be and is the tier that get the higher valued prizes.
I still should get the affiliate bonus from any future booster pack purchases but I am not 100% sure. Its great that you were gifted a promo code and got the starter for free :) You should be receiving a message confirming your new @dustsweeper accnt shortly.
Good Luck on the battle field !