It has been 41 hours since last able to play. Behind in nodes. I went to discord to see what was wrong, various people had various reasoning's for what was happening. It was because of steemit, it was because of the blockchain, it was because of the bots, it was because the owners were at steemfest.
Like I said lots of reasons. No real responses in the discord #tech-support room. Lots of messages from users, but very few from tech-support. Understandable on a Sunday, but for most of the world is is now Tuesday, and it will be Tuesday in Alaska in about 7 hours. So all of Monday Tech-Support as near as I could tell offered no support to the users.
I understand that somethings take time, and the scuttle-butt is that the errors are to do with card farms/bots. That they are being fixed out of the system, great news if that is the truth of the issues. As a customer you expect your favorite store to be open when it is supposed to be open. If you go to your favorite store and it is closed when it should be open and no note on the door no pre-warning of it not being open on that day, if it happens to often then that store no longer remains your favorite because they have suddenly become an unreliable source of that which you wished to consume.
I would hope this is not going to become an issue with steem monsters. Your team has done an admirable job on keeping people apprised of what is happening and coming up, lets not let that customer service function slide any more than it has over the course of the last two days.
The game is in Beta still and issues should be expected. We are all playing an unfinished game. The founders are / were at Steemfest and that is why the issue has lasted longer then it normally would have. As soon as they are back the issue will get resolved.
I don't really have an issue with there being an issue. My issue is a lack of response to the users. A quick call to one of their people to post - "Oops, something screwy is going on post". Not a typical steemit response of nothing to even acknowledge an issue.
Steem Monsters has done a great job up until this point of keeping its players informed of what is going on. There are new post on the Steem Monsters steemit blog, the last post was 11 hours ago. There is someone they could e-mail and say hey throw up an oops post that we are aware of the problem and on our way home to fix it, BTW Steemfest was great post. That's all I am saying. Don't be a typical we don't care about customer support company.
We responded with the truth on discord: The founders, the only potential fixers, were at SteemFest and too busy to fix our playing issues. It is annoying, but I don't think there are a lot of negative things you can say about the support. It was on point.
Any one that has discord, (which I do), and they have the time to shift backward through all the messages, and they then know who is with Steem Monsters and allowed to speak in their behalf.
To play Steem Monsters, it is my understanding that you need a steemit account. Everyone, has access to steemit that plays Steem Monsters.
The Steem Monsters team has done a very admirable job on keeping its users up to date on the happenings through their steemit page @steemmonsters.
As I mentioned in my post, I do understand they are/were at steemfest. This did not preclude them from having one of the team members make a post about what was happening, what they believed caused it, and when they think it will be fixed.
The negative thing is that "The users were not informed of the issues and a lot of guessing was taking place. Look back on the discord chat, in the general room, in the tec-support room, do you think a new user is going to know who the official voice was? If there was a post about it, then there would be no doubt about it.
That was the point of failure. Not making an officialOfficial post so people would know, what the facts were. I know @clove71 has a lot to do with Steem Monsters, I do not know if she would have been allowed to do a quick type post or not. Not all the players of Steem Monsters has access to discord chat, they all have access to the @steemmonsters page.
That's very true about some not being able to view the Discord stuff, but I responded specifically on your -in my opinion falsely drawn- conclusion that the support on Discord was lacking.
We, as SteemMonsters players, can answer a lot quicker than official people, since we're simply with a much greater quantity. Now I'm not saying you should trust any player, but people should be able to trust others to some extent. I also like to doubt people, but why would everyone lie about it?
A LOT of mistakes and they learn from that.Of course, a part of the users were not informed at all and that's a serious flaw. SteemMonsters however, has a lot of flaws. @aggroed and @yabapmatt and the other SteemMonsters founders/creators/devs/people make
We are their test subjects and we all know it.
Agreed @shadowmask ! Its quite annoying and a game that many people want to play on the weekend , especially it being the long weekend of rememberance day , im sure it will be fixed by tomorrow !👍👍👍
I understand there is a problem, I also hope they get it resolved, what I do not understand is the style of lets ignore this and not tell any one oops. Steem Monsters has done such a fine job of keeping people aprised of issues and happenings, up until this point. They need a post on the steem page saying at a very bare minimum, we are aware of some issues with Steem Monsters, and it's interaction with the blockchain and are working on resolving the issue. Is it really to much to ask for a PSA to be done by them, or a team member. I understand that the two owners were out of town, they were not however out of touch, they could have asked one of their dev's to do a quick "we are sorry for the inconvenience post'.
I hope they will not let this become a habit for their company, as has allowed a lack of communications to become a part of their corporate identity.
I totally agree, I was just saying the same thing to my son,that even a simple quick post on Steem Monsters to notify everyone would and should have been done , at least to let us know they are working on the problem. Being away at Steem Fest is no excuse! 🙄
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Also i think there is a node update going on.💁
O-kay, I'm not much of a tech type anymore, a node update would indicate it is being done on one of their computers, (as I have seen people talking about updating their computer nodes). An update is generally something that is planed. or so it seems in most cases. So poor planing, poor communications, they could have left a simple we are planing this, and hope nothing goes wrong, post. I guess I am just irritated at the apparent lack of concern for their customer base. I do get and understand that they are busy were busy with promoting their game and such at steemfest. It was a good advertising thing to do.
I do not know how big of a team they have, but to be honest I think they need to get a post out as soon as possible with a quick little update about the current issues. This incident was a serious failing of public relations. Steemit is bad enough toward new users and the limitations they have put on them, to have this also occur and no company information of what is happening is not a good thing. @rentmoney has pointed out it is still in beta, well yes it is, but does that excuse a company, that up until this point, kept their users and future customers up to date and current with plans and what was coming?
I hope this issue gets resolved soon, it's certainly a bit frustrating - although as mentioned above, this game is brand-spankin'-new. All I want is muh daily packs :|
Happy playing!