Steem Monsters for someone who does'nt understand how to play

Hello folks. I've been looking into doing a Steem Monsters post for a few days now, i keep trying to think about stuff to write about but i guess i'll just wing it. Keep in mind that i am not a gamer and have very little experience with it. This is more of an outsider's point of view whens it comes to the actual game. So, i bought a bunch of alpha booster pack's and got a bunch of great cards including a gold foil legend. Awesome stuff!! Then beta was released and i bought 100 pack to get me started but it did'nt feel the same. I have just got used to all the alpha cards by name not including powers, now there are more to learn. Then i jumped onto the kick starter thing to get the special promo cards and locked in a few more alpha, still waiting on the promo cards on this but no hurry, im only gonna hold it anyways.
So, the game has started and i dont get it. I have read through all the powers and rules but it's not sinking in at all, i played 2 practice games and they just bounced off each other, it looked pure random to me. I understand it's not but i cant understand what they are doing. For me personally, the game is prob a no go It's just not my bag man. However, with that said i do like the idea of collecting the cards themselves. I prefer the alpha cards over the beta cards but i would not hurt to have a full set. I was watching the prices on the exchange alot for around 2 months and then stopped checking around 3 weeks back and it looks like the common and rare cards have almost x2 in price so im happy for that. Another thing i was thinking about was should i are should i not combine my cards together and level them up? keeping in mind im a hodl'er and not a player.

Anyways, i still drop into this tag everynight to see if there has been everything happening. I used to use the discord server but i find the information on here much better. I shall continue to watch from the sidelines and who knows, something might click in my head and i'll understand how to play.

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You just got splashed by @rewards-pool. For more information on delegating to the @rewards-pool click the following link. @rewards-pool where a small delegation can get you a big splash.

I thought the attacks were a bit random at first, but I looked at the "how to play" section and that explains what each of the abilities are. Then you can learn about things like "sneak" which attacks the back monster and "snipe" which attacks the first ranged character." Also, melee units only attack if they're in first position.

I hope you're able to get it figured out! It would be fun to play against you.

Also the order is decided based on the monster's speed, regardless of team.
I've been completely destroyed without getting a turn. Had I picked faster cards I'd have got some shots in.
Had I picked cards with more life I'd have survived that first volley.
I picked slow glass cannons (all offense, no defense) and he wiped me out.
It's quite rock, paper, scissors-y.

What determines which monster goes first if they're both the same speed? Do the teams alternate who goes first?

I've never gone out without even getting one attack. I feel bad for you, man.

It's quite rock, paper, scissors-y.

Ha ha, I choose scissors for this round.

From memory if they're matched in speed, ranged goes first, then magic, then melee.
If they're both the same dmg type it's decided randomly each round.

Nice post!

One recommendation though: work on your formatting & text structuring. Your post contains nice information, but right now it's just a couple blocks of text. Try using more paragraphs and more subtile pictures to fix that.

I used to spent alot more time writing posts and making my own pictures but that was back before i got involved with communities and took roles, no i rush through doing posts for my personal account. I have got lazy and it annoys me as well. Thank you for your honest comment :D

I would say it's pretty clear not to combine. This option is available in the future to, if the price is higher.

Alphas will become pretty short in the (near?)future. From the common Alphas about 30 – 40 thousand were produced. A max leveled card need 379 singles, which will be necessary to play on the top. So all Alphas combined are only about 100 maxed leveled individual cards and I would assume that many people who already have a strong card would pay high prices for the last chance to max level them.

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