Steem Monsters Culture!
Blockchain gaming is becoming a huge phenomenon and is bringing together two worlds, one of technology and gaming meeting up with the blockchain. The growth is incredible in these incredible industries.
The STEEM blockchain is simply outstanding and the culture and community within Steem Monsters is amazing!
It was recently in 2017 that I discovered games based on a blockchain such as Crytpokitties and Cryptofighters. These were not for me as they were too boring and I could not stand the Ethereum blockchain! It was slow and the gas prices were so high, it was a small fortune to battle at times. Yet, I did love these games as it brought me into the crypto world where I wanted to be.
I love cryptocurrency in general. We should be able to choose what we want in life.
In 2018, 2.3 billion people will choose to spend almost 140 million dollars on games. Merging blockchain games such as Steem Monsters and the STEEM blockchain will only make those figures grow.
Steem Monsters culture is one of many entities. Battling Steem Monsters has become an everyday occurrence with so many people including myself. I believe if you are reading this right now, you are right on time. We are all early adopters to the game and see how we have been rewarded with booster packs of cards as well as creating really great friendships along the way. It is awesome we all are here right now to enjoy it together and watch it grow.
I love watching all the new people sign up for Steem Monsters, making our community grow more and more. I look forward to watching the Steem Monsters culture evolve. I believe the way that games and blockchain will evolve will benefit all of us. Like using the parts of our brain to focus and strategize a great team to put into battle to win victory!
To try to gain new Steem Monsters to the game, I will be at the Richmond Comic Con representing Steem Monsters there! If any of you are in or nearby Richmond,VA.USA on December 8th,2018 Please drop by and see me!
Blockchain games is the future and I believe in Steem Monsters all the way to the moon!
Discord Group HERE
Facebook GroupHERE
Facebook Page HERE
Telegram HERE
My IG - Steemmonstergirl HERE HERE
May the Monsters be with you.
Steem Monsters Rep.Chris Love @clove71
Silly question that I haven’t been able to find answer to. When you battle and cards die do you lose them from your collection or not?
Posted using Partiko iOS
Noooo ! This would be too harsh ^^
Posted using Partiko iOS
Thanks. I wasn’t sure and didn’t want to risk playing until I had a clue how to win. Any tutorials on basic strategy?
Posted using Partiko iOS
No problems. Honestly just try it out. Losing games is not penalized. And you can play in the training mode (most people don’t use it tbh).
Tank first (Melee with high HP). Then hide your casters, archers behind :)
Posted using Partiko iOS
check out @clove71 !!!!!!! her videos..and blog...are THE PLACE...for strategy and basic tutorials. oh..and she wrote this post. ;) truly..her videos...are epic!
You beat me most of the time, haha! Your teams are simply outstanding!! :-)'re very kind...humble...and INSPIRING!!!!!!!!! i have beat you very few times but....i love coming back to keep learning with each battle. you have so many clever tricks..and decks you play's incredible to just watch you play! truly..i learn ...a TON! please keep the vids coming chris!!!! :)
haha! You just crushed me like 5 times lol!! I love it though, you are awesome to battle with!! Not too many people up here, I can't wait until they climb higher so we can battle more! :-) #addicted #needhelp Lol!!!
Steemmonsters all day errday
Posted using Partiko Android
YESSSS!!!! Love them! Blockchain games AKA Steem Monsters is where it is at!
I wish the bots would go away. Its weird to not see u at no.1!
Posted using Partiko Android
Oh I am here! :-) You are killing it tonight!!! You rock! NICE Work! The bots are a bit less now...I was so excited to see you and your killer teams!!! NICE!!

Loving this format. Most fun I've had yet!
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks for best of the best gemas :)
Posted using Partiko Android
Is definitely taking the steemians by storm! Started up 3 days ago and I'm addicted! Find myself wanting to play more and more. Very nice game and first card game I've gotten into in years.
Awesome! Welcome to Steem Monsters! So glad you are here with us! :-) Make sure you join us all in Discord sometime!
Cierto tus argumento esta modalidad con esta nueva tecnología crecerá de manera exponencial y en corto tiempo, estará en los mejores peldaño de aceptación, por la comunidad steemit.
@steemmonsters are so much Fun and @clove71 is so very Kind. I would not Own and Angel of Light if it was not for Chris................
Awesome that you are doing outreach at comic conventions! Hope it goes great for you. I’m planning on attending/exhibiting at some east coast cons next year and it would be great to cross paths!
Yes! That would be awesome! I plan on being at any of the Richmond, VA Comic Cons!
$rewarding 50% 14min
Posted using Partiko Android
$rewarding 0.02$ 14min
Posted using Partiko Android
Clove you need a Lucky Mene Box to help you find gold Steemmonsters while opening packs. It’s a phenomenon sweeping the nation ! :):) #mene24k
lol! Yes! I see all the great jewelery you have, so nice! :-)
The power of monsters never goes out and anger can destroy whatever is in front of him.😂
"The power of Monsters never goes out" Love this quote of yours! So true!! :-)
yea i just joined u guys week before and see now em dammn addicted lol🤷...
Welcome to Steem Monsters!! I am so glad you found us and are here! ;-)
Thank you for contributing to the Gaming Community on Steemit. You have been given an upvote by @steemgg. For more inspiration, visit our platform Steemgg, the first html5 gaming platform built on the Steem blockchain.
And do not forget to use !monster