
Here are my thoughts:

  1. Loved the interplay between the cards and the weaponry that popped out. Cool idea
  2. Loved the buttons they get at the beginning of the battle, so you can charge them up with their abilities and so forth if you so desire - that was a question I had.
  3. Love how you show the subtraction of health or armor - that was good


  1. will only like-levels play against each other, to make it more fair?
  2. But the other question I had was weather you can pick which card targets which opponent, or does it all just play out how you set it up in order?
  3. I'm assuming selecting additional abilities is something you might do only after you've seen what your opponent brings to the table?


  • I think it would be cool if the characters themselves could fly out of the frame of the card and inflict an attack, rather than the card itself. So like the weapons come out, so could the characters. just a visual preference. But maybe I'm the only one.

  • I also think it would be good to have it slowed down a nano second so it's easier to follow each move. But it could just be that the more I get used to it, the easier it will be to follow. I'm thinking in terms of commentating as well, though. So again, that's just a personal preference. Maybe I"m the only one there too.

Lastly, awesome job guys. I could not be more blown away. You guys seriously impressed the socks offa me tonight. Thanks for a fun show.

Cards target the front card from the opposing team, with a few caveats.
Snipe ability targets the first ranged or magic opponent.
Sneak ability targets the last opponent.
Melee cards can only attack from the front position, which is why frozen soldier was useless until spineback turtle died.
Ranged cards can't attack a card directly in front of themselves, so as we saw at the end there, peacebringer couldn't attack frozen soldier. He just stood there eating dirt until he died.

This is awesome, everyday I get more excited. Great work guys, keep it up, we the community are behind you 100%......

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  1. What happens with an infinite loop sequence? Has that been looked into?
    (attack heal, attack heal... no one progresses)

  2. Why does white use 3 of it's attacks right in a row? Why not back and forth?
    Is that an ability of the summoner?

  3. Can you confirm that each monster gets ONE attack per round?
    If so what happens with unequally numbered teams?

  4. Is the order of attack determined at the beginning of the game or the beginning of each round?

  1. yes, unless abilities describe otherwise
  2. It is determined by the speed of each card

That is 3 and 4, but almighty steemitgod does not accept this at the start of a comment, in his wisdom.

ummmm what?

haha...he's saying that steemit didn't allow "3 and 4" without a 1 and 2 so it defaulted to 1 and 2, when he's in reality answering questions 3 and 4 :P

  1. So you're saying there can be a Draw/Tie?
  2. So it's not back and forth attacks... it's purely based off of speed only?

Ahhh what a comeback. I thought yaba was going to get his revenge!

Wow wow wow! It looks so damn cool! :D Can't wait to start beating eh - losing - eh enjoying the games! :D

Haha you'll be a champ!!

Awesome, I want to play already ☺️👍🏻

Do certain types of cards have specific abilities? For instance do all Feral Spirits have Sneak?

Nice production of the game.

Very interessant :)
Nice gameplay :)

Omg love it. Gonna play it as soon as it is out! But will it always be automatic?

Posted using Partiko Android

The game is a drafting game (like fantasy sports). Picking your cards and the their lineup theyre in are extremely important. This is where the strategy comes in to play. On the upside, it makes for a game that requires little active attention and which can be played on the go with little time commitment. The gameplay will be archived in battle logs and can be reviewed after.

Think of it as a fantasy football-like game where you set it and forget it and wait with eager anticipation how it plays out.

That will be interesting to cover, cuz I'll be covering the battles, and I'm not sure whether I should do live or just a summary after the fact. I guess it depends how long it takes for a typical battle to play out. I think it would be interesting to be able to manually carry out a battle. I think there is value in that as well...

I like the game.
Thank you for sharing the progress!

So amazing :)

smlove (757px, 23.976fps)clove71.gifYes!!!! I love this!! Steemmonsters Forever! Awesome work guys! #SMLove

That Batte looks so cool and encouraging to keep up with a good strategy. What else is happening before the release of the battles? I thought there was an announcement about some new "special" cards before the release, any news on that???

they're doing a kickstarter beginning of september and that will introduce a few new characters.

That looks awesome! It is going to be a great game, for sure. I can't wait to get my team sorted and start battling them.

Super stoked for the release! Considering the 100 pack deal today..

did you do it?

Not yet.. I've been trading crypto and I told myself If I could make X amount of profits today then I would ship some funds over and do it. I'm still trading...

How much is it!? close to 200.00 i guess!?😒😕😬

This is really cool. Now I have a ton of questions.

  1. I believe in the first game, each of you have three monsters on your team, but you had four in this game. What determines how many monsters you have, and are there scenarios where you could have more than four?
  2. What determines the damage delivered on a blow? Is it random?
  3. What causes a miss? It is random?
  4. Who goes first and what determines that in a match?

I'm sure I'll think of more.

  1. the amount of mana the game allows. Not shown is how much each of these cost in mana. The assumption is that they will probably equal up to the same amount.
  2. ?? Not exactly sure i'd like to know more.
  3. Partly determined by speed ... i'd like to know if there is anything else.
  4. The fastest speed card determines who goes first. (note white has cast a slow spell on all the blue cards)

Let's get ready to rumble !!!

This looks awesome! I can't wait to play. Kind of reminds me of the game Heroes of Might and Magic in a way. haha. I need to get more cards, my starter pack group is getting lonely.

I'm glad I discovered Steem Monsters for myself. This discovery I shared with the Russian-speaking part of STEEM in my previous article. Good luck to you and Love, I look forward to the start of the battles.

Я рад, что открыл Steem Monsters для себя. Этим открытием я поделился с русскоязычной частью STEEM в своей предыдущей статье. Удачи Вам и Любви, с нетерпением жду начала боев.

Very cool! So much to learn...👍😵😂👹👺👿

The game looks amazing! Can't wait to play it