D'oh! The elements, of course! I must be going senile in my old age. I normally refer to the cards by their colour or by the Splinter (Lyveria, Azmare, Khymeria, etc) and I forget about the elements as well.
Now, to answer your question, I haven't really thought much about the Khymian (White / Spirit) Deck, as my collection is currently heavily weighted towards the Lyverian and Azmarian SplintersFerexian forces a lot, bringing them well into consideration as well for the upcoming battles and tournaments. But Khymeria? Not even really on my radar yet. ... at least until this morning, when @clove71 helped me to build up my
I am building a possible team though just for this contest, not necessarily one from my existing collection, but a fantasy team, of the Khymian cards that I would like to have for this team. Is that okay?