I'm looking forward to the changes! For those who know me, that is really saying something. When I first started playing on the Test server, using the new changes pre-release, I really sucked at it! I went backwards very quickly on the Leaderboard and sat there for a long time, at the bottom of the list, such that even brand new players being added to the Test server came on at a higher level than I was. It really wasn't fun at all for me at first. But slowly I adapted to the new changes, and learnt how to put together a team on-the-fly. Up until then I had been one of those who this post mentions as "...lookin' at the leaderboard and copying the best teams..." which had seen me reach the Champion League under the old system on the Main server. Eventually, as I got used to the new system, I started slowly climbing the Leaderboard on the Test server, until yesterday I ended up as the 10th (equal) best player on the server!

It does take a bit to adapt to the new gameplay system, but it is totally worth persevering even if at first you think you may suck worse than I did! The new gameplay is much more fun, outsmarting your opponent. You really need to read the ruleset instructions carefully and make sure you understand the implications of them, including what Splinters you and your opponent are allowed to use for a particular battle, the Mana cap for the battle, and the Conflict ruleset (such as whether Legendaries are allowed) which applies for the battle. Once you have those key components, it is time to choose a Summoner, and pick your Team for battle!

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